True: The flag is not to be worn as a garment or covering.
Our flag is never to be flown inferior to another on the same pole.
When flown at half mast, for recognition of mourning or memorial.... it is supposed to be fully raised and then lowered at the dawning of the day when placed on display... and again before removal at dusk.
Our flag is not to be flown upside down except to show distress. (To some, these are times when our nation is considered in distress... though that is an individual interpretation, at present. Still, considering the recent 'free speech' interpretations the courts have added to the conduct concerning our flag.... this is probably the most affirming of any 'unmannerly' behavior concerning flag protocol and debatable allowance, imo.)
Whether right or wrong, good or bad, it seems the intentions of school instruction in our public education system is more concerned with developing diversity and subordinating our allegiance on a par with any other.... and maintaining so-called political correctness.... instead of giving correct instruction and affirming discipline in respect for our heritage. In allegiance as well as in economy or in spiritual development or the educational process.... the result is the same goal.... whether it is clear in the clever use of words to describe the content of programs or not.... to dilute those areas of personal conviction, dedication, allegiance, and individual and unified pride in God, family, and country.... and bring others into an artificially created perception of equality or promotion to favor above our own heritage.
It is not to create unity.... as some might argue: The purpose or outcome is to keep division and make those divisions and the animosity created more evident to promote distrust and questions of loyalty within the body which makes up our own people.
If the schools were truly institutions of education and development of good citizens.... instead of propaganda machines producing a dumbing down product which is servile to all authority and powers and without conscience or amoral development incapable of judging itself or realigning its own behavior....... they would be teaching our heritage first.... respect and correct deportment first ........understanding and how to get along with those who are different... whatever their differences may be without having to compromise their own identity to political correctness first. If the wearing of the flag is considered disrespectful and instructional to be removed from daily wear... these need to be taught and enforced daily...... not wait for and occasion such as this which is prejudicial in action ....with the schools being as critical of their own carriage of its representatives, displays and use as it is of the students.
It is time for educators to correct their own behavior and be an example for the students: Our culture and heritage is that of the several states and The United States of America. Allegiance and respect for our country, its history, its heritage, its borders, the price to maintain our peace and security, can and should be maintained and taught. Respect for others doesn't mean we must reduce respect for our own. In fact.... respect between persons who are different can't be taught or learned in an environment which enforces that those differences must be removed or periodically altered.