Here's a posting from another thread which several of you asked that I use to start a new discussion on these and related items. Let the friendly dialouge begin!
Originally posted by Dragoon68:
Okay, here's a few quick unrefined thoughts:
1. Citizens have to understand that nothing government provides is free. Everything the government does must be paid for by taxes - either their own or someone else's earnings - and always includes a hefty handling fee.
2. Citizens have to understand that to reduce government spending we have to give up some things we've become dependent upon government providing.
3. Citizens have to understand that to reduce government control we have to give up some government involvement. The government never helps anyone without many strings attached.
4. Citizens have to understand that the government is not constituted to solve all problems - economic or social - but only to provide the very basic framework of freedom defined in the Constitution.
5. Citizens have to equate voting with duty and exercise that duty based on the best interests of the whole.
6. Citizens have to regain control of education taking it out of the hands of government. Schools need to be completely controlled by local people.
7. Citizens have to regain control of justice taking it out of the hands of greedy lawyers and their clients. They must end the bleeding cost of litigation, insurance to protect against litigation, and an army of persons devoted solely to law.
8. Citizens have to demand an end to judicial legislation putting that branch of government back into its Constitutional role.
9. Citizens have to demand an end to games with taxes that hide the cost of government. They must pay the bill and have direct control over how much the bill should be and what's it for.
10. Citizens have to demand an end to redistribution of wealth - personal and state - by all forms of government. The government does not exist to make poor men rich or rich men poor but only to provide a system of justice between them.
11. Citizens have to demand that our government continue to represent its citizens - not those of the world - and not support any agreements that give advantage to foreign citizens. We must remain sovereign and not fall subject to international law.
12. Citizens have to demand that the time honored basic and majority American system of values, morals, and fundamental culture, including language, be upheld and not destroyed by the demands of small minorities.
13. We can not be a theocracy because of the known corruption of mankind but we'd best stay a fundamentally Christian nation if we hope to continue receiving God's blessings. Citizens have to know this and practice it even if it can not, and should not, required it to be codified into law as our Constitution forbids. This is not the role of government but the role of its citizens.
Until citizens understand, want, and demand these things, and many more, through the ballot box - their ultimate voice for protest - nothing will change regardless who's elected. I fear that these days most go to polls to cast votes which they have sold to eager politicians in the business of selling what they've stolen from others.
The target is not today's politicians of any party. The target is the citizen that makes up the majority of voters that puts those politicians into office. I think it's more about the representatives they elect - where the power to legislate rests - than with presidents or governors.
It will require a long painful process of education to get people to make very fundamental changes in their thinking. I fear for many that will only come after we've fallen even deeper into the abyss before us and, perhaps, only after it becomes an act of final desperation.