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Tabs in New IE


New Member
In the new IE, I have my Internet options set to where when you click a tab for a new site, the homepage is to open. However, it still comes up as that grey instructin screen about tabbed browsing. Any ideas?


New Member
I just carry on from there.
Pull down or type in a web address or do the search engine thing.
I like the tabs better than having the things at the bottom.

Are you wondering if the browser home page should come up?

Brother Randall

New Member
In the new IE, I have my Internet options set to where when you click a tab for a new site, the homepage is to open. However, it still comes up as that grey instructin screen about tabbed browsing. Any ideas?

Are you certain you configured it correctly? Here are the steps.

Within Internet Explorer 7 do the following:

1. Click "Tools" pull-down menu
2. Select "Internet Options"
3. Select Tabs "Settings"
4. Ensure "Open Home Page for New Tabs Instead of Blank Page"
5. Click "Ok"
6. Click "Ok"