tommie, you are responsible for you, and you alone. If you choose to hold a grudge against Jim & Tammie Faye, you are just feeding a cancer of your own making.
God didn't say that you had to like what another did/does to you; only that you forgive if asked, and if not asked, forgive anyway. Forgiving or not does not affect the other person if they either don't know about your feelings, or if they just don't care. This is for YOUR well being, not revenge, justice, or righting the wrong, but for not letting anger emasculate your soul.
Remedy: Pray for Jim B now, for his success in his ministry, that he will truly lead people to God, that he will become a better servant of His as time passes, AND for forgiveness for you (from God) for not doing this BEFORE TF's demise.
I think you will find that one of two things will occur:
1) You will develop a strong forgiving spirit toward J & TF, OR
2) You will find it totally impossible to pray for him(them)!
Been there, done that, so I can say with some authority that it is IMPOSSIBLE to hate (yep, that's what it sounds like) someone AND pray for them at the same time.
Hard to do? You betcha!!!
So just let the Holy Spirit through you do it to start. But you've got to be willing to admit that your feelings are wrong, and have a sincere desire to make things right with Him regarding this issue.
Believe me, if/when you do, you'll be totally amazed at how free you then feel; just like a 1,000 # weight lifted off your shoulders.
You talk about taking advantage of a poor ($ wise) woman, your mother -- I feel the exact same way about most politicians as they are nothing more than merchants of fear to keep the gullible in submission to be able to "LORD" it over them. I have to constantly remind myself that I am not responsible for them, but that they will answer to God for their own actions in His time.
Let Him handle the justice part; don't feel that you have to worry about all the injustice in the world. HE'S got it all well in hand, even though we can't see it now!