Bill, I find myself in the very uncomfortable position of having to agree with you!
When the Human Genome project was completed it was found that all homosexual men shared one trait in common. They all had gene Xq28 in the "on" or dominate function. Bailey and Pillard found that 52% of monozygotic (identical twin) brothers and 22% of the dizygotic (fraternal twin) twins were concordant for homosexuality. (Wilson and Rahman 2005, p47.)
Thirty-three of forty (82.5%) sibling pairs tested were found to have similar alleles in the distal region of Xq28, which was significantly higher than the expected rates of 50% for fraternal brothers. They also found that 13% of uncles of gay brothers on the maternal side were homosexual, compared to 6% on the paternal side. (The X gene is from the mother.)
However, penetrance (the proportion of individuals carrying a particular variant of a gene (allele or genotype) that also express an associated trait (phenotype) - in other words, the number of men having the gene who are also gay) was only around 55-60% so there was some other factor influencing the development of homosexuality. It could be environmental, although the twins in the study had identical environments but not identical development of the trait, or the result of an as yet unknown allele (gene).
Of course, regardless of cause, the practice is homo-sex is still a sin, just as the practice is hetero-sex, apart from the marriage relationship, is also sin.
But it is indeed a fact that they are "born that way." It is called "the sin nature." We are all "born that way." Some of us just have different besetting sins.