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Temporary internet files


New Member
Is there a way to set up a file for the cookies I WANT to keep (like sites that have passwords) separate from the Temporary Internet Files folder?

Rather than manually going through and deleting cookies, it would be nice if I could have a separate folder for the ones I want...then I could just go through and delete everything in the temporary internet files folder without having to "sort" through them.



New Member
I have never done this myself so I do not know if it actually works.

But, if you go to Tools...Internet Options in Explorer (this is Internet Explorer 6.x) you will see a tab marked Privacy. The top half contains a slider that lets you set how your computer handles cookies. At the bottom is a button marked Edit. The Edit button will allow you to specify particular websites and whether to always accept or always block cookies from that site. In theory, it should be possible to set the slider to block all or most cookies and then to put your exceptions in the Edit box.

Good luck and let me know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
First, I'd stop using Internet Explorer. Microsoft announced just the other day they found three new possible security problems, and were issuing yet another patch.

I currently highly recommend Mozilla Firebird (it's a browser only). In its internet options, you can go into the privacy and cookie settings to the Exceptions button, and list websites that you'll accept cookies from.

Mozilla itself is pretty good, but it's slower than Mozilla Firebird. Both Netscape (which is owned by America OnLine, for those that didn't know) and Mozilla have e-mail functions as well, which Firebird doesn't.

And then there's Opera, which also has e-mail functions.

But I'd definitely stop using IE, especially with the viruses that have been popping up lately designed to specifically target the security flaws of Internet Explorer and Outlook Express.


C.J., While cleaning up today, go to Start, Search, Find Files and Folders. My XP asks more so I chose All Files and Folders. Type in *.tmp and search your hard drive. You can delete every one of those files. I had been using ICQ and the first time I searched there, I had 3,907 temp files! Now I use IM and have none unless Nick has played a game that day.

I delete my cookies every few days. All of them. I also delete my regular temp files and history every night before I shut down. Since I search for addresses on Mapquest for our church every week, every few days I also clear out my auto complete file. That's under Tools, Internet Options, Content, AutoComplete. Otherwise when I try to fill in an address, 20 others will pop up!

When I work at the store, I do all of the above everytime I leave because I don't want anyone to come into the store, sign in and be able to access the BB.com mod. forum or personal information on the members! I guess that sounds silly since I sign on as a separate user there but don't want to take any chances!



New Member
UTEOTW, thanks! I had forgotten (until I just went there and looked!), but I've already done some advanced settings there. I have allowed cookies from the sites I want and blocked them from some others. However, you have to "list" each site and select allow or block. That would be next to impossible to list every site I wanted blocked!

I may go back in and reset to default and try using the slider bar as you suggested.

I had it set to disable all cookies a while back, but there are some sites you can't browse unless cookies are enabled.

Don, thanks for your ideas...and it's probably something I should do. But I have ALWAYS used IE so am very comfortable with it. I have a good firewall and anti-virus installed and so far, have never had a problem.

I will start a new thread for browser discussion as I have some browser questions and don't want to "mix" the two topics!!



New Member
Diane, I clean out all my temp files pretty regularly. And I appreciate your sensitivity to clearing out all the stuff on the computer at the store!!

So, if you delete ALL your cookies every few days, you have to "sign-in" again to any websites you use that require signing in? That's what I'm trying to avoid having to do...I use different user names and passwords for several of them, and I can NEVER remember what they are!!!
Of course, I guess I could write them down somewhere, but that would be too easy!!



Ah.. C.J., I'm dianetavegia everywhere, even UPS, Fedex, etc. so I have nothing to remember. LOL. When we first got the computer, I had usernames to fit the websites. Some gardening sites I used my favorite flowers at that time and then forgot what my favorite WAS! I settled on using my real name. I really don't go to too many websites that require sign on. Jim's job searches are all under his real name too. We're not very creative I guess.



New Member
I actually thought about using the same user name and password everywhere, but then I figured if anybody ever got hold of it somehow (besides me), it could be bad. (I have sign-ins for some financial sites.) So, I tend to use different ones for security reasons. Maybe "overkill", but I can sleep at night!!!



New Member
From what I read in the knowledge base, you should be able to that the other way. That is block everything except what you choose to allow. When you come across a site that will not let you in without cookies you may have to add it to the list. But this is Microsoft so who knows. The advice to try a different browser may offer an easier solution.


New Member
Until I get comfortable enough with trying a different browser, I'm going to stick with IE!

I'll reset my privacy settings as you suggested and see what happens!!! Will let you know how it works!!



<img src =/6412.jpg>

I do the same thing...sort of. I use my last name (bet you can't guess what it is). If it is taken, I tack on the month and day of my birth (and the world hasn't been the same since then...). I normally use the same basic password, unless I need extra security, then I add on some special numbers (the same ones, though).

I know, I know. All you security fanatics are going balastic right now, but I want to be able to remember how to log on. Besides, anything really important (that might require a credit card, for instance) would be handled totally different. The sites I frequent, if anyone did highjack my password, all they could do would be to try to ruin my reputation (yeah, like that would be hard) :D .

In Christ,

Bible Believing Bill

<img src =/bbb.jpg>
First off change your passwords NOW ! I used to use the same screen name and had two passwords I would alternate.

I learned my lesson the hard way. My email password got stolen, I don't know how, and then they tried to steal my ebay userid. Security at ebay figured out what was going on, and let me know. I got lucky in the fact that ebay tried ebay first and not my bank accounts. Now everything has a different password. I keep a list of my passwords so I don't forget which ic which.



Well you've got to have something they could steal! LOL

Ebay won't let you use your email addy as a sign on name and hubby had signed up there. It's not the same as mine and he uses an email addy there that is one of those 'alternate' email addys you can have with the one account. We use a funny one on Paypal.

I'm not at all concerned about safety. You aren't safe anywhere! Jim checked in a hotel while traveling and used his debit card. The hotel takes your address, home phone, etc. A woman working at the hotel called www.goodguys.com and cleaned out our bank account charging computers, had them sent to a bogus address on the other side of the state, called UPS and told them she wouldn't be home for delivery so could she come pick them up...... we got our money back but it took a few weeks! She started with $10,000 worth and kept changing her order until she found how much cash we had..... submit! The police told us she had done it to dozens before moving out of state.



<img src =/6412.jpg>
Don't do ebay (costs money to buy stuff). My Yahoo email can be disposable. AOL, well, all you could do is get my account cancelled (oh boo hoo on that one) which I have been tryine to do for seven months now (they keep giving me more months...). And if someone got loose on here making trouble, no one would know the difference

In Christ,