Michael Voris, who has a degree in theology, broadcasts from the Detroit area about church problems from the website Church Militant. He is a staunch Roman Catholic. He has noted that Texas has a state law much like England's law that allows the state to make life or death decisions about a patient no matter what the family wishes.
"The outrage properly and justifiably vented against the bishops of England and Wales over the death of Alfie Evans needs to now be directed toward the bishops of Texas and their political arm, here in the United States. The reason — their strong support for a Texas law which allows the exact same situation in Texas hospitals that doomed Alfie Evans, as well the little baby Charlie Gard, both in England. While the details and rabbit trails are all long and winding and circuitous, the bottom line is this: There is a worldwide push among establishment elites to let doctors and hospitals be the final say when it comes to treatment of patients who cannot speak for themselves.
"This was the foundational principle of Obamacare — that you lose your rights to make medical decisions and the state takes them over, a law, remember, that was largely supported by U.S. bishops with the exception of the employer contraception mandate. It was, after all, existing British law that a homosexual activist judge kept throwing at the parents of Alfie Evans, denying them their natural rights to make the health-care decisions for Alfie....
"Now, jump the pond, as they say, to the U.S. and specifically to Texas and that political arm of the Texas bishops who, just like their English counterparts, have thrown their collective weight behind a Texas law saying, in summary, that after 10 days, the family loses the right to make any further medical decisions in the life-saving care of a patient and the decision on if and how to proceed is purely the hospital's...."
Texas is England
"The outrage properly and justifiably vented against the bishops of England and Wales over the death of Alfie Evans needs to now be directed toward the bishops of Texas and their political arm, here in the United States. The reason — their strong support for a Texas law which allows the exact same situation in Texas hospitals that doomed Alfie Evans, as well the little baby Charlie Gard, both in England. While the details and rabbit trails are all long and winding and circuitous, the bottom line is this: There is a worldwide push among establishment elites to let doctors and hospitals be the final say when it comes to treatment of patients who cannot speak for themselves.
"This was the foundational principle of Obamacare — that you lose your rights to make medical decisions and the state takes them over, a law, remember, that was largely supported by U.S. bishops with the exception of the employer contraception mandate. It was, after all, existing British law that a homosexual activist judge kept throwing at the parents of Alfie Evans, denying them their natural rights to make the health-care decisions for Alfie....
"Now, jump the pond, as they say, to the U.S. and specifically to Texas and that political arm of the Texas bishops who, just like their English counterparts, have thrown their collective weight behind a Texas law saying, in summary, that after 10 days, the family loses the right to make any further medical decisions in the life-saving care of a patient and the decision on if and how to proceed is purely the hospital's...."
Texas is England