I want to extend a great thank you to the people of this board, you know who you are.:wavey: I am so grateful that I had the time to spend here on this site, thank you for challenging my beliefs and faith.
Thank you Darron Steele, you were the most challanging and you were so right :thumbsup
I have left the church of Christ:, even though it pains:BangHead: me to leave, I also feel free from legalism and pressure of preforming up to the standards of other men instead of doing what was right and true.
Heavenly Pilgrim your awesome, by far you are a great debator regardless of what anyone says! Thank you for reaching out, it was very helpful in this process!
stainglass you as well helped me so much with our conversations, just remember everyone, you do make a difference in everything you do either for good or for bad!
I'll be back once and a while to see:type: how everyone is doing. I feel so free and unburdened by all this, it took so long to see things!
Peace be to you all!
Thank you Darron Steele, you were the most challanging and you were so right :thumbsup
I have left the church of Christ:, even though it pains:BangHead: me to leave, I also feel free from legalism and pressure of preforming up to the standards of other men instead of doing what was right and true.
Heavenly Pilgrim your awesome, by far you are a great debator regardless of what anyone says! Thank you for reaching out, it was very helpful in this process!
stainglass you as well helped me so much with our conversations, just remember everyone, you do make a difference in everything you do either for good or for bad!
I'll be back once and a while to see:type: how everyone is doing. I feel so free and unburdened by all this, it took so long to see things!
Peace be to you all!