As Baptists we share a rich and diverse history. The term “Baptist” itself is a distinctive rather than a denomination. But within this distinctive we have various camps of believers. Some are Reformed to the point they share a doctrinal closeness to the to the Church their precursors sought to rework. Others feel a kinship to the movements that rejected the Protestant movement as not going far enough towards a biblical understanding of our faith. Perhaps most find themselves between these extremes.
At one time Baptists touted Biblical Authority as their sole standard for belief and practice. With time some Baptists became creedal while others seemed adverse to any type of confession at all. Now most probably find themselves on the middle of this spectrum.
My question involves the authority of our faith, not so much as whether creeds and confessions are sufficient within an organization to summarize particular beliefs but whether such statements are adequate as a source to defend held views.
Can we hold Scriptural authority as our sole standard for belief and practice if we are unwilling to set aside our creeds, confessions, and statements of faith to defend or construct doctrine on God’s Word?
Is it wrong to build upon the ideas and interpretations of others rather than taking the effort (and time) to return to Scripture each occasion we engage others outside of our camp?
At one time Baptists touted Biblical Authority as their sole standard for belief and practice. With time some Baptists became creedal while others seemed adverse to any type of confession at all. Now most probably find themselves on the middle of this spectrum.
My question involves the authority of our faith, not so much as whether creeds and confessions are sufficient within an organization to summarize particular beliefs but whether such statements are adequate as a source to defend held views.
Can we hold Scriptural authority as our sole standard for belief and practice if we are unwilling to set aside our creeds, confessions, and statements of faith to defend or construct doctrine on God’s Word?
Is it wrong to build upon the ideas and interpretations of others rather than taking the effort (and time) to return to Scripture each occasion we engage others outside of our camp?