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The Book of Life


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The book of life, or decree of election, is the marriage-register of the saints; in which their everlasting espousal to Christ stands indelibly recorded by the pen of God’s free and eternal love. As the gold of which money is made is the king’s property ever before it is struck into coin, and before it visibly bears the royal image and superscription; so the unregenerate elect are God’s own heritage, though they do not appear to be such, until the Holy Spirit has made them pass through the mint of effectual calling, and actually stamped them into current coin for the kingdom of Heaven. The elect are betrothed to Christ from everlasting in the covenant of grace; they are actually married to Him, and join hands with Him, in conversion; but they are not taken home to the bridegroom’s house until death dismisses them from the body.

—Augustus Toplady, via today's bulletin of Eager Avenue Grace Church in Albany, Georgia


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Many confuse the Lamb's Book of Life, in which the names are written of those "in Christ" with the Book of the Living, mentioned in the OT.
The prattle goes like this, everyone's name starts out in the book and then is erased, rather than no one's name is in the book until they are placed into Christ. Just as Jesus promises to not cast anyone out, John 6:37, He promises never to erase any name once written, Revelation 3:5. If you go before the Great White Throne Judgment, and your name is not found in the Lamb's book of Life, you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.


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The prattle goes like this, everyone's name starts out in the book and then is erased

The only names written in the Book of Life are those whom God chose before the foundation of the world(Ephesians 1:3-6), and their names will never be erased, as Christ is their Surety, kept the law perfectly on their behalf, paid the debt of their sins which were imputed to Him, and His perfect righteousness was imputed to them; God will bring them under the hearing of the gospel of Christ during their time on this earth, the Holy Spirit will regenerate them, and they will be granted the gift of faith in Christ and the gift of repentance of their dead works, and God will preserve them(Jude 1:24-25): , until He brings them into the new heavens and the new earth wherein dwells righteousness(2 Peter 3:13).


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The only names written in the Book of Life are those whom God chose before the foundation of the world(Ephesians 1:3-6), and their names will never be erased, as Christ is their Surety, kept the law perfectly on their behalf, paid the debt of their sins which were imputed to Him, and His perfect righteousness was imputed to them; God will bring them under the hearing of the gospel of Christ during their time on this earth, the Holy Spirit will regenerate them, and they will be granted the gift of faith in Christ and the gift of repentance of their dead works, and God will preserve them(Jude 1:24-25): , until He brings them into the new heavens and the new earth wherein dwells righteousness(2 Peter 3:13).
Pure twaddle, as names are written since the foundation of the world, not before. Rev 13:8


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The implication per Ephesians 1:4, According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, . . . all names would start out in the book before the the foundation of the world.

And the promise is to those who are the ones who overcome will not ever be removed from the book per 1 John 5:4 and Revelation 3:5.

1 John 5:4, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Revelation 3:5, He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.


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If God chose individuals before creation, then the inspired author of 1 Peter 2:9-10 was wrong to say once we were not a people, once we had not obtained mercy. But if you believe God's word, then Ephesians 1:4 refers to being chosen corporately, when God chose Logos individually to be His Redeemer, His Lamb of God, He chose all those that might be redeemed corporately, since you do not choose a Redeemer without a plan to redeem.

Next, we get Revelation 13:8 which says names not written in the book since the foundation of the word, with the implication other names were written in the book since the foundation of the world.


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1 John 5:4 (Interpretive Translation)
For all God causes to be born anew, overcomes their fallen humanity. And their faith provided the victory over their fallen state.

Note 1 John 5:4 does not even mention Christ's promise to not remove the names of those born anew. What was there about their faith? It had been credited by God as righteousness. Where are we born anew, made alive? In Christ, together with Christ. When does this transfer from being in Adam to being "in Christ" occur. After we have lived without mercy, and after we have put our faith in Christ. Not before we existed.

The "Names were not written into the Book since the foundation of the world" malarkey has no basis in scripture. But once in, always in. :)


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If God chose individuals before creation
The Bible teaches that God did choose His elect before the foundation of the world.

‘ Justification is not only before faith, but it is from eternity, being an immanent act in the divine mind, and so an internal and eternal one; as may be concluded,

From eternal election: the objects of justification are God's elect; "Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? it is God that justifies"; that is, the elect. Now if God's elect, as such, can have nothing laid to their charge; but are by God acquitted, discharged, and justified; and if they bore this character of elect from eternity, or were chosen in Christ before the world began; then they must be acquitted, discharged and justified so early, so as nothing could be laid to their charge: besides, by electing grace men were put into Christ, and were considered as in him before the foundation of the world; and if they were considered as in him, they must be considered as righteous or unrighteous; not surely as unrighteous, unjustified, and in a state of condemnation; for "there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ", (Romans 8:1 ) and therefore must be considered as righteous, and so justified: "Justified then we were, says Dr. Goodwin when first elected, though not in our own persons, yet in our Head, as he had our persons then given him, and we came to have a being and an interest in him."

Justification may well be considered as a branch of election; it is no other, as one expresses it, than setting apart the elect alone to be partakers of Christ's righteousness; and a setting apart Christ's righteousness for the elect only; it is mentioned along with election, as of the same date with it; "Wherein", that is, in the grace of God, particularly the electing grace of God, spoken of before, "he has made us accepted in the beloved" (Ephesians 1:6 ). What is this acceptance in Christ, but justification in him? and this is expressed as a past act, in the same language as other eternal things be in the context, he "has" blessed us, and he "has" chosen us, and "having" predestined us, so he has made us accepted; and, indeed, as Christ as always the beloved of God, and well pleasing to him; so all given to him, and in him, were beloved of God, well pleasing to him, and accepted with him, or justified in him from eternity.

Justification is one of those spiritual blessings with which the elect are blessed in Christ according to election-grace, before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3,4 ). That justification is a spiritual blessing none will deny; and if the elect were blessed with all spiritual blessings, then with this; and if thus blessed according to election, or when elected, then before the foundation of the world: and this grace of justification must be no small part of that "grace which was given in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world was" (2 Timothy 1:9). We may say, says Dr. Goodwin, of all spiritual blessings in Christ, what is said of Christ, that his goings forth are from everlasting—in Christ we were blessed with all spiritual blessings, (Ephesians 1:3 ) as we are blessed with all other, so with this also, that we were justified then in Christ!

Christ became a Surety for his people from everlasting; engaged to pay their debts, bear their sins, and make satisfaction for them; and was accepted of as such by God his Father, who thenceforward looked at him for payment and satisfaction, and looked at them as discharged, and so they were in his eternal mind; and it is a rule that will hold good, as Maccovius observes, "that as soon as one becomes a surety for another, the other is immediately freed, if the surety be accepted;" which is the case here and it is but a piece of common prudence, when a man has a bad debt, and has good security for it, to look not to the principal debtor, who will never be able to pay him, but to his good bondsman and surety, who is able; and so Dr. Goodwin observes, that God, in the everlasting transaction with Christ, "told him, as it were, that he would look for his debt and satisfaction of him, and that he did let the sinners go free; and so they are in this respect, justified from all eternity." ‘

- excerpt from John Gill's A Body of Doctrinal Divinity


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The Bible teaches that God did choose His elect before the foundation of the world.
Yes God chose His Redeemer individually and the target group of His Redemption Plan corporately.

If God chose individuals before creation, then the inspired author of 1 Peter 2:9-10 was wrong to say once we were not a people, once we had not obtained mercy. But if you believe God's word, then Ephesians 1:4 refers to being chosen corporately, when God chose Logos individually to be His Redeemer, His Lamb of God, He chose all those that might be redeemed corporately, since you do not choose a Redeemer without a plan to redeem.

Next, we get Revelation 13:8 which says names not written in the book since the foundation of the word, with the implication other names were written in the book since the foundation of the world. If the bogus view of Calvinism were correct, scripture would not say once we had not been chosen to be a people, and would say names were not written, implying other names were written, before rather than since creation.

It is a lock!!


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Which in time were not a people,.... A "Loammi" being put upon them; see Hosea 1:9 to which the apostle here refers: God's elect, whether among Jews or Gentiles, were, from eternity, his chosen people, and his covenant people; and, as such, were given to Christ, and they became his people, and his care and charge; and he saved them by his obedience, sufferings, and death, and redeemed them to himself, a peculiar people: but then, before conversion, they are not a people formed by God for himself, and his praise; nor Christ's willing people, either to be saved by him, or to serve him; nor are they, nor can they be truly known by themselves, or others, to be the people of God: the Syriac version gives the true sense of the phrase, by rendering it "these who before were not" חשבון, "reckoned or accounted a people"; that is, by others:

but are now the people of God; being regenerated, called, and sanctified, they are avouched by God to be his people; they have the witness of the Spirit to their spirits, that they are the people of God; they can then claim their relation to God, and are known, acknowledged, and called the people of God, by others:

which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy; being called formerly, Loruhamah, Hosea 1:6 which passages the apostle has in view: before conversion there is mercy in God's heart towards his elect, and so there is in the covenant of grace, and which was shown in the provision of his Son, as a Saviour, in the mission of him, and redemption by him; but this is not manifested to them, until they are begotten again, according to abundant mercy, and then they obtain mercy; having in their regeneration an evident display of the mercy of God towards them, and an application of his pardoning grace and mercy, through the blood of his Son, unto them.

- John Gill on 1 Peter 2:10 in his Bible commentary


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According as he hath chosen us in him,....

It intends an eternal election of particular persons to everlasting life and salvation; and which is the first blessing of grace, and the foundation one, upon which all the rest proceed.

- excerpt from John Gill's Bible commentary on Ephesians 1:4


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whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world; by which book is meant God's predestination of men to eternal life, or his decree of election; why this is called the "book of life"; see Gill on Rev 3:5; and their "names being written therein from the foundation of the world", Rev 17:8, for such a construction the words will bear, denotes that election is eternal, and is not an act of time, nor dependent upon anything done in time; and that it is of particular persons, and not of bodies of men, of nations and churches, and still less of propositions, or of persons so and so qualified, or under such conditions and circumstances; and that it is perfectly well known to God, and is sure and certain in its effects, and is unchangeable and irrevocable; for what is written in it, is written, and will always stand, not upon the foot of works, but of the sovereign grace of God; and this is called the Lamb's book; that is, Christ, who is compared to a Lamb for its harmlessness, meekness, and patience, and was typified by the lambs in the legal sacrifices; and this book is called his, because he was present at the making of it, and was concerned in putting down the names in it, John 13:18, and he himself stands first in it as the elect of God, and the head of all the elect, who, as members, were chosen in him: the act of election was made in him, and stands sure in him; and he is the author and giver of that life, which men are chosen unto both here and hereafter: and he may be said to be "slain from the foundation of the world"; in the decree and purpose of God, by which he was set forth, or foreappointed to be the propitiation for sin, and was foreordained, before the foundation of the world, to redeem his people by his blood, and in the promise of God immediately after the fall of man, that the seed of the woman should have his heel bruised, and he himself should bruise the serpent's head, which made it as sure as if it was then done; and in the sacrifices, which were immediately upon this offered up, and were types of the death and sacrifice of Christ; and in the faith of the saints, which brings distant things near, and considers them as if present; and also in his members, in Abel, and others, in whom he suffered, as he still does in his people; to which may be added, that such is the efficacy of the bloodshed and death of Christ, that it reached to all the saints from the beginning of the world, for the justification of their persons, the atonement of their sins, and cleansing from them; for the remission of sins, that are past, and for the redemption of transgressions under the first testament; for Old Testament saints from the beginning are saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus, as New Testament ones are.

- excerpt from John Gill's commentary on Revelation 13:8


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chosen corporately

Your argument falls apart, not only based on the Scriptures, as proven in the posts above, but also based on sheer logic - a corporate group is composed of what? Individuals!

To choose a group is to have also chosen the individuals within the group.

Thus, Van, your argumentation is destroyed and left in tatters.


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Your argument falls apart, not only based on the Scriptures, as proven in the posts above, but also based on sheer logic - a corporate group is composed of what? Individuals!

To choose a group is to have also chosen the individuals within the group.

Thus, Van, your argumentation is destroyed and left in tatters.
I do not believe a target group is composed of individuals. Behold how Calvinism falls apart.

If God chose individuals before creation, then the inspired author of 1 Peter 2:9-10 was wrong to say once we were not a people, once we had not obtained mercy. But if you believe God's word, then Ephesians 1:4 refers to being chosen corporately, when God chose Logos individually to be His Redeemer, His Lamb of God, He chose all those that might be redeemed corporately, since you do not choose a Redeemer without a plan to redeem.

Next, we get Revelation 13:8 which says names not written in the book since the foundation of the word, with the implication other names were written in the book since the foundation of the world. If the bogus view of Calvinism were correct, scripture would not say once we had not been chosen to be a people, and would say names were not written, implying other names were written, before rather than since creation.

It is a lock!!


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your heart

My heart is as black as midnight, turmoil and fighting, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, awake and asleep, without ceasing...

"Song of Solomon 6:13
Return, return, O Shulamite;
return, return, that we may look upon thee.
What will ye see in the Shulamite?
As it were the company of two armies.

What will ye see, then, in the Shulamite,
To urge her stay, or ask her to return,
That ye may look upon her as she is,
In deep engagements of internal war?
Two armies, flesh and spirit, in array —
Corruptions vanquish'd striving to revive —
Graces ascendant, mortifying sin —
Unceasing warfare - contest, sharp and long,
Which knows no terms of peace - no flag of truce.
An army of temptations, fierce and strong,
Oppos'd to gospel promises and grace,
Which sometimes make the issue of the war
A doubtful matter to the troubled soul,
'Till new supplies of grace arrive from Heav'n,
And Jesus says to Satan, "Get thee hence."
A host of heresies assail the Church,
Oppos'd to all the doctrines of free grace;
Free-willers and free-thinkers, with their troops
Traditions, superstitions, carnal rites,
And reason's enmity against the Lord
These form an army hostile to the truth.
But vital godliness withstands them all —
Puts all the Spirit's graces in array,
With sword and shield, against the common foe,
Contending earnestly for God and truth.
No carnal weapons suit the Shulamite;
Her armour is the panoply of God,
And strength divine supports her in the war.
The conquest is not doubtful - grace shall reign
Through righteousness to everlasting life,
'Till inbred sins - the tempter's wiles, and all
The heresies which war against the truth,
Shall fall before the gospel of free grace."

Yet, in Christ, I have hope...

"Song of Solomon 1:5
I am black but comely,
O ye daughters of Jerusalem,
As the tents of Kedar,
As the curtains of Solomon.

A wondrous contrast in myself I see -
As black as sin can make me by the fall -
As comely in my Saviour as himself.
Like Kedar's tents, unsightly, dark, and vile,
My Adam nature dy'd a sable hue,
By foul transgression, lies degraded low.
But seen in Christ - possessing life divine,
With all the graces of the Holy Ghost,
Not Solomon, in all his costly things -
Embroider'd curtains - or his stately throne,
Displays such comeliness, such beauty shows,
As Jesus puts upon his ransom'd bride.
Conceiv'd in sin - a very mass of guilt,
I am originally vile indeed ;
Depravity has spread its darkest shades
O'er all my soul, beclouding all its pow'rs.
But in my Saviour seen, as one with him,
And clad in his imputed righteousness;
The purest white which lilies can unfold -
The beauteous curtains of King Solomon -
The gold and purple of his royalty,
Portray my comeliness in Jesus' sight.
I humbly own my base original -
And thankfully embrace the righteousness
Of Jesus, as my own."

(Quotes are from Joseph Irons' Nymphas.)


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My heart is as black as midnight, turmoil and fighting, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, awake and asleep, without ceasing...
I do not believe a target group is composed of individuals. Behold how Calvinism falls apart.

If God chose individuals before creation, then the inspired author of 1 Peter 2:9-10 was wrong to say once we were not a people, once we had not obtained mercy. But if you believe God's word, then Ephesians 1:4 refers to being chosen corporately, when God chose Logos individually to be His Redeemer, His Lamb of God, He chose all those that might be redeemed corporately, since you do not choose a Redeemer without a plan to redeem.

Next, we get Revelation 13:8 which says names not written in the book since the foundation of the word, with the implication other names were written in the book since the foundation of the world. If the bogus view of Calvinism were correct, scripture would not say once we had not been chosen to be a people, and would say names were not written, implying other names were written, before rather than since creation.

How many other verses must be rewritten because they preclude the Calvinist mutilation of Ephesians 1:4? Lets see, first we have 1 Peter 2:9-10, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8, and then James 2:5, (folks chosen who were poor to the world but rich in faith) 1 Corinthians 1:26-28 (folks chosen in the flesh and of the world).

It is a lock!!


Well-Known Member
I do not believe a target group is composed of individuals. Behold how Calvinism falls apart.

If God chose individuals before creation, then the inspired author of 1 Peter 2:9-10 was wrong to say once we were not a people, once we had not obtained mercy. But if you believe God's word, then Ephesians 1:4 refers to being chosen corporately, when God chose Logos individually to be His Redeemer, His Lamb of God, He chose all those that might be redeemed corporately, since you do not choose a Redeemer without a plan to redeem.

Next, we get Revelation 13:8 which says names not written in the book since the foundation of the word, with the implication other names were written in the book since the foundation of the world. If the bogus view of Calvinism were correct, scripture would not say once we had not been chosen to be a people, and would say names were not written, implying other names were written, before rather than since creation.

How many other verses must be rewritten because they preclude the Calvinist mutilation of Ephesians 1:4? Lets see, first we have 1 Peter 2:9-10, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8, and then James 2:5, (folks chosen who were poor to the world but rich in faith) 1 Corinthians 1:26-28 (folks chosen in the flesh and of the world).

It is a lock!!

The third time posting the same false teaching(post #9, post #14, post #18) doesn't make it true.