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Have you ever noticed biblical prophecy hidden in secular horror films?
The Bride of Frankenstein is one such excellent example.
Frankenstein, a created manmade monster, desires a bride: the Bride of Frankenstein.
Antichrist, a created satanic-made monster, whose power, authority and position were bestowed by Satan, also desires a bride: the Bride of Antichrist.
In the biblical narrative found in Rev. 17, she is described as the Great Whore, a drunk, dripping in costly jewels, wearing purple and scarlet rather than the pristine white innocence of a virgin.
Her drink of choice? The blood of saints.
Rev. 17 tells of a true horror story too horrific for many to believe or grasp.
To horrific for many on this board to believe or grasp.
Satan has foisted his greatest delusion upon the world.
It comprises the Roman Catholic Church, the bride, and her head, her husband, the Pope.
The Pope, in reality a beastly monster though claiming to be the Vicar of Christ who comes in the righteous name of Christ, professes to be the moral voice of God to the world.
Though he speaks blasphemies like a dragon, insulting, at every turn, the very Lord he claims to love and serve, the world of the reprobate, both pseudo-Christian and non, are drawn to him, responding positively to his call for adoration, honor and praise.
His subjugated bride is mesmerized and awed by his beauty, fair words, signs and lying wonders.
As is the bride of Frankenstein.
While the reprobate world wonders in admiration at the Antichrist and his bride, God’s elect, though few, are keenly aware of the enormous hypocrisy and lies spun by his father, the father of lies.
They alone are able to discern the fulfillment of prophecy before their very eyes.
Unlike Futurists who are always searching but never finding the arch enemy of Christ and His virgin bride.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.