There are only two things I watch on TV on a regular basis that help me escape a little while from the burdens of everyday life - Jeopardy, and Wheel of Fortune.
Tonight I was (mis)treated to the sight of an openly gay man and his "fiance" flaunt their perversion on Wheel of Fortune. Hello kids, we're here, we're queer, and we're in your face. And everybody just stands around and acts like we're normal so we must be normal, right?
The culture war is over and we lost. I wouldn't even be surprised if BB admin takes down this thread due to the possibility of getting sued by homosexual lawyers. We live in a police state where any public opposition to indecency can get you sued or even arrested.
Am I overstating the case or is it time to start looking for new solutions since whatever we are doing now isn't working?
Go ahead, cheer me up if you can. Show me why I am just a pessimist and there really is a silver lining to every cloud.
Tonight I was (mis)treated to the sight of an openly gay man and his "fiance" flaunt their perversion on Wheel of Fortune. Hello kids, we're here, we're queer, and we're in your face. And everybody just stands around and acts like we're normal so we must be normal, right?
The culture war is over and we lost. I wouldn't even be surprised if BB admin takes down this thread due to the possibility of getting sued by homosexual lawyers. We live in a police state where any public opposition to indecency can get you sued or even arrested.
Am I overstating the case or is it time to start looking for new solutions since whatever we are doing now isn't working?
Go ahead, cheer me up if you can. Show me why I am just a pessimist and there really is a silver lining to every cloud.