Well-Known Member
Matthew 26:27-28, "And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."
Mark 14:23-24, "And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it. And he said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many."
Luke 22:20, "Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you."
1 Corinthians 11:25, "After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me."
These accounts deemed true, give differences in their details as how what was said.
Mark 14:23-24, "And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it. And he said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many."
Luke 22:20, "Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you."
1 Corinthians 11:25, "After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me."
These accounts deemed true, give differences in their details as how what was said.