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THE FIRST BAPTIST #1; Christ honored John the Baptist; dare we do less?

Discussion in 'Fundamental Baptist Forum' started by Alan Gross, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Author: Do you think John the Baptist was the first Baptist?

    Reader: What kind of Baptist do you mean?
    Southern? American? Conservative? General? What do you mean by Baptist?

    A: I mean New Testament Baptist. Forget about twentieth-century Baptists for now.
    Was John the first New Testament Baptist, or the first baptizer?
    If he was not the first Baptist, who was?

    R: I have read that John copied previous proselyte baptism. If so, he was not the first to baptize.

    A: But Jesus said, by implication, that John’s baptism was from heaven,
    even as His own authority came from heaven (Matthew:23-27).

    His critics could not say that John’s baptism was from men, or from a previous generation.

    Everything in this passage, as in Mark 11:27-33 and Luke 20:1-8,
    seems to say that John was the first baptizer, and therefore the first Baptist.

    R: If so, what of it? Why bother about John the Baptist?
    Why not pay more attention to the Lord Jesus?

    A: That is the point. Most people ignore what Christ said about John the Baptist.
    But Jesus praised John more than He praised any other person on earth.
    If we follow Christ, we will try to understand better what He said about John,
    why He commended him so highly, and what others say about John.
    If we become more like John we might have more of Christ’s approval.

    R: Now I get your message!

    The purpose of this book is not to boast about any Baptists.
    No effort is herein made to demonstrate a historical or chronological connection
    between contemporary Baptists and John.
    Rather, it is hoped to present a connection that is doctrinal, logical and Scriptural.
    Such a study should have lasting values.

    Briefly, the mission of this book is similar in purpose to the mission of John the Baptist.
    This book, we pray, will help—

    1. To prepare the "way of the Lord" (Luke 3:4).

    2. To make straight "a highway for our God" (Is. 40:3).

    3. To cause people to "behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:29).

    4. To make Christ manifest by explaining His baptism (John 1:31).

    5. To reveal the "glory of the Lord" (Is. 40:5).

    6. To restore the original meaning of "Baptist" (Luke 7:28-30).

    7. To win Christ’s approval (Matthew:11).

    Too long has John the Baptist been hidden by the Pedobaptist, dispensational and interdenominational accumulations of doctrine, once cherished by this writer.

    This book attempts to reclaim the entire New Testament
    as the birthright for every believer and the charter for every church.

    The rich soil of the four Gospels, including John the Baptist,
    provides rich nourishment for all Christians.

    As the tap-root gives strength to a mighty oak,
    so the inspiration of the life of John the Baptist
    can invigorate every person who takes him seriously.

    Christ honored him; dare we do less?

    Grateful thanks are due to several competent scholars who read the original manuscript.
    Most of their suggestions have been gladly used.
    Any remaining errors are the author’s.
    Thanks also are due to publishers for valuable quotations.
    May this volume make Christ better known and obeyed.

    Stanley E. Anderson