Is anyone listening????
“The door’s not going to open up to the African-American community, to the Hispanic community, until we have something to offer,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told conservatives at the Freedom Summit in New Hampshire over the weekend. Of course, he’s absolutely right. With its base growing grayer and whiter, while also shrinking as a percentage of the national vote, the Republican Party better start listening.
The problems of the GOP are no mystery. The autopsy completed by the national party after its 2012 presidential loss was 99 pages of truth-telling. Unfortunately, the party seems content to leave votes on the table by doing everything possible to make itself as inhospitable as possible to the very people it will need to remain a viable national political party.
Only a hardened Democratic partisan would deny that the Republican Party could peel away some minority voters. Once again, I call your attention to two polls done on the eve of the 2012 presidential election. The NAACP asked African American voters in Florida, Georgia, Ohio and Virginia if they would be more likely to vote Republican if the “GOP took a stand for civil rights/equality.” Fourteen percent said they would. In Florida, where President Obama won the state by just 74,000 votes, it was 15 percent.
Now, don’t forget, the GOP used to get minority votes. The high-water mark for Hispanic votes was the 44 percent of the Latino vote President George W. Bush won in 2004. For African Americans voting Republican, the high-water mark was 1972, when 18 percent of them cast ballots for President Nixon. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney was only able to attract 6 percent of the black vote and 27 percent of the Latino vote against Obama in 2012.
Which brings me back to the Gospel of Paul and his New Hampshire admonition that the GOP needed “something to offer” to blacks and Latinos to bring them into the party.