My father is a non-denominational Christian and I am a Baptist. I believe the husband is the head of the wife. My father will get into arguments with me if I try to make decisions for my family and will say I should let my wife decide things. I am not "lording it over" her, and always ask her for input on all major decisions, but I still believe that I should be the leader of our household. How can I deal with this, as a Baptist and believer of 1 Corinthians 11?
(He demonizes me while trying to ally with my own wife, and I feel disgusted every time he acts this way. Sometimes I wonder if he was possibly a false convert even, with him taking so much of scripture as non-literal and always having excuses like "the man is the source of the woman not the head"...It boggles my mind how he waters down the meaning of some scripture. )
(He demonizes me while trying to ally with my own wife, and I feel disgusted every time he acts this way. Sometimes I wonder if he was possibly a false convert even, with him taking so much of scripture as non-literal and always having excuses like "the man is the source of the woman not the head"...It boggles my mind how he waters down the meaning of some scripture. )