I grew up in a small family Old Line Baptist Church... It was a small congregation and we had a close intimate fellowship, with the Lord and each other... Though removed from this little congregation as the church has now closed it doors, I can look back with tear stained eyes and recall over the 50 years I was there, every member in it... There was such and intimacy and love in this little church, that I have seen lacking in others... Have some churches become so big they lose the congregation?... Have you become a member in your church or a number?... What is more important intimacy and fellowship or the size of the congregation?... There must be something to this subject as the Lord says fear not little flock for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give unto you the kingdom... Now I know I'm going hear some brother or preacher say now hold on brother, the Lord added 3,000 to the church in one day... But ask yourself this did all those that the Lord added stay to make up many one big churches?... If they did could also be said that the problems of the seven churches of Asia arose because they did and let all these errors and false doctrine get a foothold because many had forgotten their first love?... I hear some say well that maybe so but little churches have problems too... No doubt about it that maybe so, but I do believe that in smaller church, with the intimacy and fellowship, you look more to the Lord before you do... We all walk with feet of clay!... Your thoughts... Brother Glen
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