Proverbs 20.27
27.”The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the innermost parts of his being.”
Before I always wonder, how come the Lord can know all the thoughts of all human beings?
Indeed, when GOD breathed into Adam His breath of life, He inserted into him a part of His Own Spirit, not the Holy Spirit, but spirit of life, in order to make Adam a living human being.
And this is how the link between the soul of a human being and the GOD was established. So in this sense all humans on Earth have that link with GOD through the “lamp of the Lord” His breath that He had inserted into us.
I also like how Zodhiates (KSB) explained this issue, he wrote:
“The spirit of man" distinguishes him from animals. Animal has a soul in Hebrew, nephesh [5315], which expresses life and vitality (Deuteronomy 12.23) where "life" is from the same Hebrew word.
But GOD breathed the "spirit" or "breath" of life into man's nostrils (Genesis 2.7), where "breath" is from the Hebrew ruach [7307], elsewhere translated "spirit."
Even within man who has fallen into sin, GOD has placed His lamp by which He is able to search the inner self (1Corinthians 2.11). The full meaning of the statement is that GOD has given man his conscience as a light to aid in distinguishing between good and evil.
KSB, Spiros Zodhiates. P-861.
Psalm 44.20-21
20.”If we have forgotten the name of our GOD, or spread out our hands to a strange god,
21.would not GOD discover this? He knows the secret of the heart.”
Ecclesiastes 12.14
14.”GOD will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.”
Romans 2.16
16.”on the day when according to my Gospel, GOD through Jesus Christ will judge the secret thoughts of all.”
How “the lamp of the Lord” works in a wicked person? Certainly even most evil person in the world has conscience - “the lamp of the Lord,” but it is not active, instead the wicked has his own lamp ”the lamp of the wicked.“
This lamp is sin, means that the conscience (the lamp of the Lord) of the wicked does not shine, he extinguished and turned on his own “the lamp of sin” in his soul.
Proverbs 21.4
4.”Haughty eyes and proud heart, the lamp of the wicked is sin.”
Proverbs 20.27
27.”The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the innermost parts of his being.”
Before I always wonder, how come the Lord can know all the thoughts of all human beings?
Indeed, when GOD breathed into Adam His breath of life, He inserted into him a part of His Own Spirit, not the Holy Spirit, but spirit of life, in order to make Adam a living human being.
And this is how the link between the soul of a human being and the GOD was established. So in this sense all humans on Earth have that link with GOD through the “lamp of the Lord” His breath that He had inserted into us.
I also like how Zodhiates (KSB) explained this issue, he wrote:
“The spirit of man" distinguishes him from animals. Animal has a soul in Hebrew, nephesh [5315], which expresses life and vitality (Deuteronomy 12.23) where "life" is from the same Hebrew word.
But GOD breathed the "spirit" or "breath" of life into man's nostrils (Genesis 2.7), where "breath" is from the Hebrew ruach [7307], elsewhere translated "spirit."
Even within man who has fallen into sin, GOD has placed His lamp by which He is able to search the inner self (1Corinthians 2.11). The full meaning of the statement is that GOD has given man his conscience as a light to aid in distinguishing between good and evil.
KSB, Spiros Zodhiates. P-861.
Psalm 44.20-21
20.”If we have forgotten the name of our GOD, or spread out our hands to a strange god,
21.would not GOD discover this? He knows the secret of the heart.”
Ecclesiastes 12.14
14.”GOD will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.”
Romans 2.16
16.”on the day when according to my Gospel, GOD through Jesus Christ will judge the secret thoughts of all.”
How “the lamp of the Lord” works in a wicked person? Certainly even most evil person in the world has conscience - “the lamp of the Lord,” but it is not active, instead the wicked has his own lamp ”the lamp of the wicked.“
This lamp is sin, means that the conscience (the lamp of the Lord) of the wicked does not shine, he extinguished and turned on his own “the lamp of sin” in his soul.
Proverbs 21.4
4.”Haughty eyes and proud heart, the lamp of the wicked is sin.”