I know what many have found to be a "stumbling block" isn't Christ himself, but the way he is presented by the Calvinists AND Arminians. The Calvinist's constant harping on "the elect" and who those people are has caused a problem for many because the question arises "What if I call on the Lord for salvation, but I'm not a part of "the elect?" They can't give an easy answer, but try to complicate it with all these long diatribes from theology books (theology isn't an exact science...sorry...but I'll NEVER believe it is except where the attributes of God are concerned)...and the continued endless conversations and new threads about their soteriology, implying free will is wrong/unacceptable. Those who hold to free will have adequate Scriptures to support their viewpoint, but, usually...at least in these forums and others, seem to be under attack by the previous. I can't say that they are not guilty either. They do their fair share of attacking. The sad part is that this is a subject that won't be settled until Christ comes to judge us all, and we will know all things. I have found that most Calvinists won't discuss other doctrines, but will constantly find a way to introduce Calvinism into every other doctrine in any way they can...Sad, really. I'm not saying whether I believe in TULIP or free will. I know that in these discussions because of the relentless attacks and the number of threads posted, I usually end up fighting for the Free Will side...I, do however, fight for the Calvinists side when they are attacked relentlessly as well. They've got just as many Scriptures to back their ideology.