Well-Known Member
Emulating the false Christ of Catholicism, Pope Francis enjoys the adulation and celebrity status of a god come to earth, while millions of the lost throng to experience the once-in-a-lifetime thrill of seeing ‘His Holiness’ in person.
Kissing babies as well as feet of convicts, laying holy hands on children, ever waving and smiling from his Popemobile, the ‘People’s Pope’ does not disappoint.
Who besides the Pope can garner the praise and honor of Heads of State?
And who besides the Pope can address the United Nations and U.S. Congress?
The Bible asks the rhetorical question: Who is like unto the beast?
The answer: No one.
For no one but the Pope of Rome has the prestige, power and authority to demand wall to wall coverage wherever he goes.
And no one but the Pope of Rome has, over the centuries, fulfilled all the prophecies as delineated in Holy Writ: While claiming to come in the name of Christ as His Vicar, he is, in reality, the covert absolute enemy of Christ.
Consider the irony of holding the World Meeting of Families in the very city where one of the largest Catholic priest abuse scandals took place just a few years ago.
Consider the fact that idolaters will not inherit the Kingdom of God:
Pray for the conversion of the Pope?
You may as well pray for the conversion of Satan.
This Pied Piper who leads the millions of Satan-worshipping followers on the broad road to destruction will soon pay the Piper.
The Sovereign Lord has declared it.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.