Based on this news story, and the professionally designed and printed signage at protests, it looks like there is big money behind those protesting Trump's run for President. A friend of mine attended a pro Trump rally in San Diego, and while talking with some anti-Trump people, he discovered they were "bused into to San Diego, given money for meals, told their legal expenses would be paid if arrested for civil disobedience, and even given a script of what to say, and where to stand."
This is interesting, at least to me, because it supports my past suspicions that the core of these protests, as with Acorn and BLM, is paid for anarchy.
Do you agree with big money staging these protests, and anti-ANYTHING rallies and riots? Is this true protesting, or is it planned anarchy with the intent to disrupt and cause problems? For me, there is one thing to exercise ones right to free speech ... and the intent to cause civil mayhem and disruption. Your view are appreciated.
Based on this news story, and the professionally designed and printed signage at protests, it looks like there is big money behind those protesting Trump's run for President. A friend of mine attended a pro Trump rally in San Diego, and while talking with some anti-Trump people, he discovered they were "bused into to San Diego, given money for meals, told their legal expenses would be paid if arrested for civil disobedience, and even given a script of what to say, and where to stand."
This is interesting, at least to me, because it supports my past suspicions that the core of these protests, as with Acorn and BLM, is paid for anarchy.
Do you agree with big money staging these protests, and anti-ANYTHING rallies and riots? Is this true protesting, or is it planned anarchy with the intent to disrupt and cause problems? For me, there is one thing to exercise ones right to free speech ... and the intent to cause civil mayhem and disruption. Your view are appreciated.