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The Seriousness of Rev. Graham’s ‘Shortcomings’


Well-Known Member
For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom much was committed, more will be asked of him.

It would be one thing if Mr. Graham’s ministry consisted of street preaching and handing out tracts on street corners.

It is quite another to be worldwide preacher to millions via crusades, book sales, magazine articles and TV evangelism.

Rev. Graham fits the latter category.

Upon being raised to such an exalted position wouldn’t it behoove that Christian evangelist to have more than a superficial knowledge of God’s Word?

And wouldn’t that multi-million dollar ministry have Bible experts and writers who could not only contribute valuable input to each of Graham’s sermons, but who could also counsel Graham when he wanders off the narrow road of biblical truth onto the broad road of modified universalism?

Graham’s Modified Universalism


In the above video Graham preaches that the Body of Christ is composed of both Christians and non-Christians worldwide.

He then declares that there are those in the Body of Christ who love Christ or know Christ though they are not conscious of their love or knowledge of Christ.

Next, he states that God is calling out a people for His name,

whether they come from the Muslim world or Buddhist world or the Christian world or the non-believing world. They are members of the Body of Christ because they’ve been called by God. They may not even know the name of Jesus, but they know in their heart that they need something they don’t have and they turn to the only light that they have. And I think that they are saved; they’re going to be with us in Heaven.
Please note this TV interview occurred 19 years after he made the statement in McCall’s, proving he has held this heretical belief for decades:

“I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost - were going to hell - if they did not have the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them. I NO LONGER BELIEVE THAT….. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing God - through nature, for instance - and plenty of other opportunities, therefore, of saying 'yes' to God.” (McCalls Magazine, Jan 1978, I Can’t Play God Anymore.)
If Graham can hold to such a heretical Christ-denying doctrine is it any wonder he praises the ruling Papal Head of anti-Christianity?

“Since his election, Pope John Paul II has emerged as the greatest leader of the modern world, and one of the greatest moral and spiritual leaders of this century.” (The Saturday Evening Post, Jan/Feb 1980)

Graham has further been quoted as saying:

“I’ve found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman Catholics, for instance. They believe in the Virgin Birth, and so do I. They believe in the blood atonement of the cross, and so do I. They believe in the resurrection of Jesus and the coming judgment of God, and so do I. We only differ in some matters of later church tradition.” (McCall’s, Jan 1978)
To Graham the idolatry and blasphemy of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a small matter not worthy of exposing as a most evil and abhorrent doctrine which denies the very person and cross work of Christ.

What All This Portends

If the most famous and highly honored of all Christian evangelists can preach a false Gospel of modified Universalism while the vast majority of professing Christians remain eerily silent – some even calling his damnable error a “shortcoming” – the silence speaks volumes.

Not only does such heresy prove Graham has not a clue as to the necessity of a conscious faith in Christ’s person as well as His passive and active obedience, but it shows a callous disregard for the fact that God has called us with an holy calling; Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.

Christ’s Kingdom and Body consists of only those who have been called to faith in Christ, justified by faith in Christ and sanctified by the power of the Holy Spirit.

For Graham’s advisors, counselors, fellow ministers and evangelists to remain silent proves:

(1) They have not a clue as to God’s holy plan of salvation, or

(2) They choose not to say anything for fear of losing supporters and a paycheck.

(3) All the above.

As for Christ’s sheep remaining silent, it proves either a gross lack of spiritual biblical understanding or a preference to honor the dignity of men rather than God.

Shame on them.

And can we dismiss as irrelevant Graham's Gospel of Salvation by Decision whereby the power to will to believe or not believe lies in the power of the Christ-hating sinner?
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Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
I can't believe this board allows you to continually post lies and slander men of God like Billy Graham. I went to your website, Rand, and was reminded of just how misinformed and uneducated you really are. Here is an example. it is sad and disgusting but also kind of funny in a twisted way. On your website, under a picture of the Pope and Cardinal Law:

"Cardinal Law discusses his retirement package with his Head, the Antichrist.
Unlike Christ, who cuts evil servants asunder, appointing them their portion with the weeping hypocrites,
The Antichrist offers him a sweetheart deal consisting of immunity from prosecution,
immediate beatification, at least one life-size idol made in his image,lifetime pension, severance pay, stock options, gratis medical, dental and mental care,
free dry cleaning of all religious costumes, capes, caps and miters,
as well as fully paid membership in the Papal Golf and Country Clubs, worldwide."

To those on this board, do you think Rand realizes that you have to be DEAD to be beatified? I don't think this is someone who has the intellect or ability to research to make any half way plausible arguments. Just a vent in hyperspace. I've seen some pretty crazy things, in the name of "anti-Catholicism" but I never thought I would ever see anything like what I have seen on Iconbusters. Jack Chick has got nuttin' on you, Rand!!!
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New Member
I certainly think Dr. Graham is more learned in the scriptures than most members of Bible and/or Christian forums would imagine.

He speaks from the scriptures when he refers to the body of Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:12-31 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body.

I think rather than be upset at those who would hope to slander Dr.Graham we should show compassion and sympathy as we ask ourselves; what is their motivation to misrepresent a man of God this way?

And while we may not know the answer we can pray for them because the answer is there.
God have mercy. :praying: