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Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Alex2165, Oct 18, 2023.

  1. Alex2165

    Alex2165 Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Seeking Christ
    John 17.21-23
    21. That they (Apostles) may all be one, as You Father in Me and I in You, that they (Apostles) also may be in Us, that the world may believe that You did sent Me.

    22. And the glory which You have given Me, I have given to them, that they (Apostles) may be one, just as We Are One.

    23. I in them, and You in Me, that they (Apostles) may be perfected in unity, that the world may know that You did sent Me, and do love them as You love Me.

    These verses talking about unity among the believers and followers of Christ. The subject of unity is the centerpiece and essential requirement for all who follow Christ, to be united in His Teachings and His Commandments in order to have one strong body of people fully dedicated to GOD and to His Laws, to do the works of GOD and to show His glory in us.

    The love Jesus mentioned in this and every else in the Bible plays essential role and the most important part in the life of every true Christian. The love is the combinations of all the best qualities and summarize all the goodness in human soul who follows the Lord. Without love even good words and deeds would not achieve their goal, and so, Unity relies on and depends on only on Love, and without Love there is no Unity, and subsequently no Unity with GOD.

    Jesus constantly taught about love and numerous times mentioned the Love between Him and His Father that forms inseparable Unity between Them. The Love between Jesus and His Father created special Spiritual Unity and all those who have this Spiritual Love for GOD already United with Jesus and with His Father in that United Spiritual Love. The Love is two-way highway and cannot go only one direction, and so, there is no Love, there is no Unity, which is perfect example of the state of Christianity since its birth.

    The word "be one" under this context means to be the one with GOD in His thoughts, in words, and in deeds, Spiritually One. It is similar to a "collective" in some science fiction movies, and no matter how many formed that "collective" they listen and obey only one who issues them a command. The difference between science fiction and reality is such that we are not programmed to believe, to follow, and blindly obey anyone, even GOD.

    We make our own choices, for better or for worst and subsequently bear on ourselves all the consequences of our choices.

    These statements of Christ can be considered as another explanation of how Father, Son, and Their Holy Spirit can be One. They Are One in Their Unity as One, because They Are United in Love and care for One Another. The same can be said and about those who follow their GOD out of Love for Him, out of Love for His teachings and His Laws, and have Spiritual Love for other human beings, they United with their One GOD as One Single Entity.

    So if GOD in Three Figures (Father, Son, and Their Holy Spirit) can be One Entity and called as One GOD, and so the Christians United together can be On Entity in GOD and United with GOD as One, and have the same Thoughts, the same Words, and do the same Deeds with their Maker.

    At first look it seems impossible to achieve such Unity among followers of Christ due to their deep differences, distrust, and animosity against one another, but is anything impossible for GOD? Surely it will a time then will be no differences between believers in GOD and they will be United as One in GOD and with GOD, because GOD will write His Law of Love (Romans 10.4) on their hearts (souls) and they will Love their GOD much more than themselves.

    Picturing state of Christianity today, it may look like a flock of sheep in which each sheep goes by its own way wherever it wants. Basically, in this sense we are all lost sheep and unable to Unite into One Flock of GOD, because we have no Spiritual Love of GOD and without Spiritual Love of GOD it is impossible to Unite with Him.

    So called "Christians" only united each in their own doctrines, rituals, and traditions, and because of it unable to Unify themselves in the Spiritual Love of GOD, to Love His Doctrines, His Teachings, His Commandments, and be One in His Love.