I had a chat with someone earlier today and it was obvious that she was learning from the WOF Gospel. She told me to think and proclaim that God will give me a good paying job that will wipe out all my debts and it will come to pass. She told me that at one time God had given her such a job, yet when I spoke with her she was unemployed and struggling financially, but she did not comment much on that.... I asked her what of those in Africa whom live in poverty? She replied that they want to live in Poverty and can get out of it if only they declared financial freedom. In other words millions of poor africans have chosen poverty out of their own free-will. She said I am in debt because I choose to be, and God can and will bail me out when I start declaring it everyday. Interesting that she criticized Joel Osteen, but praised Andrew Wommack whom is another false WOF teacher.
I also asked her about Charles Stanley and she did not speak highly of him, and I suggested she read his book on the Holy Spirit as Stanley himself denounces such teachings that she so dearly holds.
Guys this WOF doctrine is a deadly one and I believe that Satan may be performing miracles and making them look like they are from God in an attempt to deceive lost souls. I have no idea if this person was saved, but she is in deep error. However she did have a positive personality which was refreshing.
I also asked her about Charles Stanley and she did not speak highly of him, and I suggested she read his book on the Holy Spirit as Stanley himself denounces such teachings that she so dearly holds.
Guys this WOF doctrine is a deadly one and I believe that Satan may be performing miracles and making them look like they are from God in an attempt to deceive lost souls. I have no idea if this person was saved, but she is in deep error. However she did have a positive personality which was refreshing.