While addressing a crowd of Muslims, speaker Fahad Ullah Qureshi spoke about the elements of Islam that many around the world view as extreme, and what he said sheds a lot of light on just why there aren’t any “moderate” Muslims condemning the radical beliefs fueling the barbaric violence in the Middle East.
IslamNet, a Norway-based organization, shows the group’s chairman answering a question about the manner in which the Western media portrays the world’s most brutal religion.
Qureshi focuses on how the media singles out individual speakers as radicals, but explains that the speakers can’t possibly have extremist views since every other Muslim thinks the same way. The “common” Muslim, as he calls them, shares the same beliefs as the extremists rampaging across the Middle East indiscriminately and killing people in the name of Allah.
The attendees agreed as well. They don’t believe themselves to be extremists or as having radical views, just that they are common, everyday Muslims guided by their religion. They agreed that segregation is the right thing to do, and that stoning and other barbaric punishments in the name of Allah are righteous and normal.
IslamNet, a Norway-based organization, shows the group’s chairman answering a question about the manner in which the Western media portrays the world’s most brutal religion.
Qureshi focuses on how the media singles out individual speakers as radicals, but explains that the speakers can’t possibly have extremist views since every other Muslim thinks the same way. The “common” Muslim, as he calls them, shares the same beliefs as the extremists rampaging across the Middle East indiscriminately and killing people in the name of Allah.
The attendees agreed as well. They don’t believe themselves to be extremists or as having radical views, just that they are common, everyday Muslims guided by their religion. They agreed that segregation is the right thing to do, and that stoning and other barbaric punishments in the name of Allah are righteous and normal.