Bob in St. Louis
New Member
Ya know. I'm a 'fourtysomething' who is doing my best to get myself and my family to Gods home. A bit over a year ago my wife and I chose to take our children to a Baptist Church. Her and I were raised Baptist, but drifted away from Church and God at a very young age. Our humble family of four were Baptized in a river by our Pastor whose desire was to perform a river Baptism.
I even started a thread and posted pictures of the event on this board.
I joined this forum as a tool to help me become a better man of God, and in turn help my family as well. My goal was to get started on the right foot with some (hopefully) new friends here. New friends that I could learn from, who could help teach me about Jesus. Who could answer a bunch of my dumb questions.
Like most people, I have many hobbies. Most of those hobbies have forums, just like this one. Just a quick estimate, I probably have near 40,000 posts on those forums all told. That being said, I'm not a "noob" to forums, so I know how things work.
To be quite honest, and probably a bit too blunt, I've heard more bickering and seen more confrontation here than I have on all of my other forums combined. I am truly saddened by this. With all of the non-Christian thoughts and acts I've had in the past few decades, I was hoping to start a new life with Christ and needed some help with that. That major change in my life included quite a few new things that took some major adjustments on my part, one of which included joining a Baptist forum.
Truth be told, I've seen more stress, arguing, bickering, and borderline name-calling here than anywhere else.
I've not seen much here that I think would help me on my difficult path.
This place isn't what I was hoping for at all. There is no peace it seems. Last night I asked a "noob" question about something and I not only didn't get an answer but the thread continued on a few more pages with members pointing fingers at each other saying "you're not doing it right". It appeared the active members of that thread were too busy to take the time to answer my question.
I would like to say that you folks should be ashamed of yourselves with the posts I've read in my short time here, but my comment won't carry any weight since I'm "nobody" here.
At the end of the day, my goal will still be the same. I want my family and I to be closer to God. I would like to find a forum to join that would help me with that goal. I don't think it would be polite to have my Pastor on speed dial, as he would probably find the duty of single handedly teaching this heathen to become a better Christian a daunting task.
So...if somebody could please help my find a calm sanctuary of Christ, in forum form, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.
I even started a thread and posted pictures of the event on this board.
I joined this forum as a tool to help me become a better man of God, and in turn help my family as well. My goal was to get started on the right foot with some (hopefully) new friends here. New friends that I could learn from, who could help teach me about Jesus. Who could answer a bunch of my dumb questions.
Like most people, I have many hobbies. Most of those hobbies have forums, just like this one. Just a quick estimate, I probably have near 40,000 posts on those forums all told. That being said, I'm not a "noob" to forums, so I know how things work.
To be quite honest, and probably a bit too blunt, I've heard more bickering and seen more confrontation here than I have on all of my other forums combined. I am truly saddened by this. With all of the non-Christian thoughts and acts I've had in the past few decades, I was hoping to start a new life with Christ and needed some help with that. That major change in my life included quite a few new things that took some major adjustments on my part, one of which included joining a Baptist forum.
Truth be told, I've seen more stress, arguing, bickering, and borderline name-calling here than anywhere else.
I've not seen much here that I think would help me on my difficult path.
This place isn't what I was hoping for at all. There is no peace it seems. Last night I asked a "noob" question about something and I not only didn't get an answer but the thread continued on a few more pages with members pointing fingers at each other saying "you're not doing it right". It appeared the active members of that thread were too busy to take the time to answer my question.
I would like to say that you folks should be ashamed of yourselves with the posts I've read in my short time here, but my comment won't carry any weight since I'm "nobody" here.
At the end of the day, my goal will still be the same. I want my family and I to be closer to God. I would like to find a forum to join that would help me with that goal. I don't think it would be polite to have my Pastor on speed dial, as he would probably find the duty of single handedly teaching this heathen to become a better Christian a daunting task.
So...if somebody could please help my find a calm sanctuary of Christ, in forum form, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.