Never has there been so much effort put forth to prove a gap exists between the two parties, when none does.
Hmmm ... let's see:
GOP: Wants the ACA dead or dismembered.
DP: Wants the ACA fully implemented.
GOP: Full disclosure on Benghazi, the IRS, NSA, etc.
DP: "Doesn't matter."
GOP: Taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone and that wages should be set by the free market.
DP: Minimum wages and progressive taxation i.e. higher tax rates for higher income brackets.
GOP: Increased spending for military, intelligence, preparedness.
DP: Decreased spending for all the above.
GOP: Oppose (though some Republicans disagree) gay marriage.
DP: Support (though some Democrats disagree( gay marriage.
GOP: Abortion should not be legal; oppose Roe v. Wade (some Republicans disagree)
DP: Abortion should not be made illegal; support Roe v. Wade (some Democrats disagree).
GOP: A large majority of Republicans support the death penalty.
DP: While support for the death penalty is strong among Democrats, opponents of the death penalty are a substantial fraction of the Democratic base.
GOP: Gun control should be the minimum required to assure criminals and terrorists don't acquire guns.
DP: Gun control is strongly supported among many, but some believe gun availability should be severely curtailed or eliminated all together.
GOP: Social and human ideas are based on individual rights and justice.
DP: Social and human ideas are based on community and social responsibility.
GOP: The free enterprise system that has brought about economic growth and innovations that have made this country great, and people should be encouraged by the government to use their talents and abilities to stimulate a healthy and constantly growing business environment.
DP: The economy is too complicated to be successfully navigated by any one person and should therefore be guided by government officials and in the best interests of the labor unions.
GOP: All students, regardless of race or socioeconomic background, should become proficient in both reading and math, and that schools should be held accountable for student progress through testing, which can be used to identify individual childrens’ needs, and ensure educator accountability.
DP: Tests burden teachers and waste classroom instruction time. They also believe children should be forced to stay in schools that fail to teach the basic skills, further arguing that literacy should be left for teachers’ unions to define rather than local PTAs or other parent groups.
GOP: Respecting the enrichment of society and contributions to the economy immigrants have brought to this country while viewing the lack of security along our borders as contributing to the flow of narco-trafficking, gang violence, and the yearly forced servitude and slavery of over 50,000 women and children from foreign countries by human smugglers, making it necessary to enforce immigration policies that provides border security so as to ensure the safety of all citizens.
DP: As the world superpower, it is a fundamental requirement of the United States to provide unconditional aid and comfort to the citizens of other nations, which requires open borders, unconditional amnesty, and laws of this nation to be curtailed to provide non-emergency assistance and legal forms of identification to foreign nationals, legal or illegal in standing.
The only ones who have been dropped on their heads at birth are the parrots around here that keep chanting "there is no difference" between the political parties. Put a sock in it. It's growing tiresome.