This editorial sounds reasonable to me .... most of the old white men of both the GOP and Democratic Party are clueless when it comes to the computer age.
By Kathleen Parker
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
As the Republican Party continues its pilgrimage through the desert, its leaders may be missing the oasis for the vale of tears.
This Story
The answer to the party's woes isn't a revamped Web site ( offering -- wowser! -- really cool social networking platforms.
The answer won't be found in the sudden realization that 83 percent of young people 18 to 24 have an online profile -- or other late-breaking revelations that merely reinforce the perception of the GOP as woefully behind the curve.
The answer is . . . drum roll, please . . . women.
If the GOP is really serious about expanding the party, it's time for the men to hush and let the pros take over. As the saying goes: If you need something done, hire a busy woman. Or, as the White House Project puts it: "Add women, change everything."