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Tipping your Pastor or Teacher

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Dr. Bob, Jul 28, 2003.

  1. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Notoriously underpaid, teachers and preachers probably should be considered for "tips" too.

    Oh, not an extra buck pressed into his hand at the door (although I've had that many times) but taking him out for dinner, gift certificate for meals, books, babysitting, et al

    If we feel obligated to give 15-20% to a waiter we may never see again because he filled my order and water glass, how much more that teacher of my kids, or preacher to my soul!
  2. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    I have received some really lovely gifts from kids and their families. And, in turn, I have tried to make sure that those who have taught me, including my pastor, have received some of what I can give as well. It's not 'tipping' in my mind, because my living did not depend on it, nor does my pastor's. But my living was certainly made more enjoyable by it, and I hope my gifts have also helped others the same way.

    While we are at it --

    When all my kids had finally graduated from high school, we gave the counselor who saw them through and worked with us so closely and the principal who cut us so much slack so many times two very large gift certificates.

    People don't usually think of them.

    Just a thought...
  3. Glory Bound

    Glory Bound New Member

    Dec 3, 2001
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    Excellent point... more people need to consider this. Too many people take these find folks for granted, assuming their salaries are compensation enough. Worse yet, some feel that as Christians they will receive their due rewards in heaven. They don't realize the boost of encouragement that such an act would produce in the pastor, teacher, etc.
  4. Circuitrider

    Circuitrider <img src=/circuitrider2.JPG>
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    Aug 22, 2000
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    Hey, let's get on a roll with this thing. How about giving your pastor a trip to Hawaii or inviting him to go along on your elk hunting trip to Montana? :D :D Sounds good to me. [​IMG] I have always wanted to do those things. ;)
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    We give our pastor love offerings as a church each year and our minister of music was just given $1,500 as a thank you.

    We MUST pay our pastor's well. It's awful to expect them to exist on less than a well educated man would make in the 'world'. Our pastor was well paid and well loved. (I've mentioned elsewhere that he's taken a position with the General Baptist Conv. in Oklahoma.)

    Dr. Broadus Marlowe was the minister at our church for 30 years, retired and remained a member. He's 86 now and still preaches once in a while for us. He's wonderful!

  6. latterrain77

    latterrain77 New Member

    Jul 7, 2002
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    Hi Bob. Would I "tip" the unpaid and very dedicated Sunday School teacher? YES! - and I do. Would I "tip" the unpaid and terrific Bible study group leader? Yes! - and I do. Would I "tip" the unpaid folks who visit the sick in the hospital? Yes! - and I do. Would I "tip" the unpaid Choir members? Yes! - and I do.

    So, where is our very HIGHLY PAID pastor when all of these meaningful activities are going on? Well, he's hiding in his office, fooling around on the Internet. Or, he's meeting for yet another "luncheon" at some restaurant with a posse of his other like-minded "pastor cronies" (at church expense of course). Or, he's making yet another plea for MORE money or spiffs (the latest an attempt to HIRE some of his family members at church expense). Would I tip him? No! - and I don't. latterrain77
  7. massdak

    massdak Active Member
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    Oct 27, 2002
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    i have to disagree with you on this. it is not biblical and it is wrong to receive any compensation for any spirit led teaching or preaching. I also do not like to see books for profit or preaching tapes for profit. could you see the apostle paul asking for tips? bob your liberal ideology is sneaking out careful.
    opps i mean DR. bob
  8. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Why are you on a public forum putting down your own pastor? :confused:
    If you're that unhappy with him leave.
    If you're there to change things, gossiping is a bad way to start.
    It's disgusting when people can defend dirt with their last dying breath and last drop of blood but an ounce of loyalty to a fellow Christian and chosen (chosen obviously by YOU if you're there!) spiritual leader can't be found.
  9. Glory Bound

    Glory Bound New Member

    Dec 3, 2001
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    What? Really? I'd like to see scripture on this statement, please!
  10. Alcott

    Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    I really can't agree with the concept here.

    If we feel obligated to give 15-20% to a waiter we may never see again because he filled my order and water glass, how much more that teacher of my kids, or preacher to my soul!

    Whether we like it or not, the restaurant business generally has a waitstaff compensation system of tipping. The only one I know personally who has revealed her wages and tips makes $2.13/hour + tips, of which she must give 3% to the bussers. If a church staff is in any comparable situation, it must be a small church of poor people, where the pastor's salary is $100 to $150 per week, so he must rely on tips for a living, or else have outside business interests which may require a lot of involvement. So instead, a church should see to it that their ministers are paid well to the most reasonable extent, and then personal gratuities should be from personal services (weddings, funerals...).

    A second thought is that while most of us (hopefully) do appreciate the ministers who do much for us, where does this stop? Tip the piano player? the church janitor? your child's public school teacher? the police officer who walks or drives by your house each day? the city engineer for improved sewer operation? Some of these-- the police officers, anyway-- it would probably be illegal for them to accept gratuities, because they have an obligation to treat people equally. This concept should apply to churches, as well. It's not true that everyone who offers 'something extra' to a minister is looking for special favors, but the idea does carry that suggestion. If Fundamental Baptists are so concerned about appearances, how about in this matter?
  11. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    I echo your sentiments on this one! Nice to know another hunting preacher! But how about some pronghorn in Wyoming? Dr Bob once said he has them browsing in his back yard (if I remember correctly)! How many rooms do you have Dr. Bob?

    By the way, the couple of disgruntled individuals on this thread notwithstanding, most of us can agree that our pastors are vastly underappreciated.
  12. Xingyi Warrior

    Xingyi Warrior New Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    Interesting idea Dr. Griffin. But I think that preachers and teachers have enough stress in their lives without having to worry about a bad tip week.
  13. latterrain77

    latterrain77 New Member

    Jul 7, 2002
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    Hi unchained/Gina. I suppose your comment was directed towards my post so I'll respond. I would like to thank you for your observations. But I think you missed the point. You ignored the first chapter of my post entirely and devoured only parts of the second.

    You said; "Why are you on a public forum putting down your own pastor?" I responded to a question posed by Bob. If an honest question can be asked on the BaptistBoard then it is a question that can be answered HONESTLY on the BaptistBoard. I suppose that a truthful answer is more desirable than rank and file parroting. Furthermore, he is NOT my pastor. He is the congregation's pastor.

    You said; "If you're that unhappy with him leave." In a sense, I have. Yet, I'm a very active participant in the Bible study group (more below). Since I'm not a Roman Catholic, I do not believe that the pastor is "almighty" in the church. The church is defined by it's PEOPLE not it's pastor. If a pastor is flawed, it does not necessarily mean that it's members must leave. It may mean that the pastor should leave. Nevertheless, I'm mindful of your good advice Gina and I will carefully consider it.

    You said; "If you're there to change things, gossiping is a bad way to start." Not at all. Responding to questions honestly is not gossip. Additionally, I'm not there to change things. I'm there to study the Bible and fellowship with other believers (Heb. 10:25) - something this pastor has little interest in as he has never attended the Bible study group - NOT ONCE. In my former church, the pastor not only attended every Bible study group, but he directed the Bible study group too. He was also paid less than HALF of what this pastor makes and he worked twenty times harder.

    You said; "It's disgusting when people can defend dirt with their last dying breath and last drop of blood but an ounce of loyalty to a fellow Christian and chosen (chosen obviously by YOU if you're there!) spiritual leader can't be found." If your disgusted then change the channel Gina. I defend what I believe the Bible teaches. It's not dirt either. One woman's dirt is another man's GOLD. Loyalty is not a one way street. Furthermore, a pastor is not necessarily "chosen" by GOD as you seem to think. There are many pastors who are NOT chosen. Some of them leave the ministry and pursue other interests (thankfully), while others just linger and linger. Passing exams in "divinity school" is hardly the requisite for being "chosen by GOD." The requisite for the office of the pastor can be found in 1 Tim. 3 (it's a very specific list). Fortunately, there are MANY wonderful pastors who are truly men of GOD as per 1 Tim. 3. I thank GOD for these ones and that I've had the great pleasure to fellowship with some of them.

    Lastly, I did NOT choose this pastor. He was chosen by a committee elected to do the choosing. I did not elect that committee either (it is made up of entrenched members of many years). When that committee asked for my non-binding opinion, I gave it honestly. They hired him anyway. My hands are clean. Thanks! latterrain77
  14. latterrain77

    latterrain77 New Member

    Jul 7, 2002
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    Hi USN2Pulpit. You said; " By the way, the couple of disgruntled individuals on this thread notwithstanding, most of us can agree that our pastors are vastly underappreciated."

    And others believe that MANY of them are grossly overrated. latterrain77
  15. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Latter - I'm glad I'm not your pastor!

    And (I'd bet) you are glad I'm not, too!

    I took no offense at your post. I disagree that Pastors should not be paid or reimbursed for time. I was a full time pastor 21 of my 33 years in ministry and got a check each week. AND EARNED IT!

    Now, I work as an interim and mission pastor. My pay? I have gotten cans of govt surplus beans; outdated packs of ground pork from Safeway dumpster; 50# of potatoes (never can remember if there is an "e" in that); $50 for driving 300 miles each way, preaching 3 times, providing all my own food, gas etc; well - you get the pix.

    In my last church, I got $600 a week - more than many full time pastors here on the BB.

    I am faithful to my boss and I let Him take care of the pay! (And I've found that whining doesn't help)
  16. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    This response serves only to strengthen Gina's position on your attitude concerning your pastor. (Without knowing the situation, I can't comment on the work habits of your pastor - perhaps there are troubles.)

    I was simply stating in my post that with a few exceptions, pastors work very hard. Your response makes me think that you have little appreciation for most pastors. But maybe I'm reading you wrong. I hope so.
  17. latterrain77

    latterrain77 New Member

    Jul 7, 2002
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    Hi Bob. Thank you for your thoughts. Man, it would give me GREAT joy to have someone like you as pastor of my church. Like you, so many of the pastors on the BB have shown themselves to be the REAL DEAL. The situation in my congregation may be extraordinary. It's hard to say because I can only compare it to my previous experiences.

    I'm not utterly opposed to pastors receiving compensation per-se, though I feel it would be far better if the office could be volunteer-like. Nevertheless, if this is not possible, then a pastor receiving compensation is unavoidable.

    Your description of the compensation you received shows how unbalanced all of this is. You were grossly underpaid yet deserved more because you provided and engaged in true pastoring efforts. However, there are others who are grossly overpaid and deserve much less (if anything) because they are lazy, unproductive, and self-absorbed.

    Regardless of compensation, the key to being a GOOD pastor is that he works hard and diligently in line with the 1 Tim. 3 standard. A pastor should have a passion for service and be engaged in the congregations activities. Those things should not be left exclusively to unpaid church members (i.e. the skinny accountant who runs the Bible study group, the ready to retire nurse who runs the hospital prayer group, and the overworked mom who runs the children's Sunday school).

    As I said in my prior post, I give thanks to GOD for the many good pastors. I've been blessed to know and fellowship with a number of them - especially you. [​IMG] Thanks Bob! latterrain77
  18. latterrain77

    latterrain77 New Member

    Jul 7, 2002
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    Hi USN2Pulpit. Thank you for your comments. You said; " Your response makes me think that you have little appreciation for most pastors...." It is true that I have little appreciation for MANY pastors (though I would not say "most"). There are plenty of wonderful hard working pastors; thanks be to GOD. I have little appreciation for those lacking passion for service - the same ones who have much interest in things like; money, travel, party time, and figuring out ways to have unpaid church members handle what is ordinarily performed by the pastor (i.e. visiting the sick in the hospital, conducting the Bible study group or at least participating in it, engaging in serious and meaningful outreach programs, etc).

    You said; "But maybe I'm reading you wrong. I hope so." Yes, I think you are reading me wrong. I don't believe that those who expect a 1 Tim. 3 dynamic from a pastor are "disgruntled." Nevertheless, I much appreciate your input USN2Pulpit. Maybe I need to step back and rethink what I expect from a pastor? Perhaps I should not expect a hard working Bible based man in that office. latterrain77
  19. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    Are you trying to be combative?

    Of course you should expect a "hard working Bible based man" as your pastor, and well you know it! We find no disagreement here.

    You seem to be insulted in my use of the term "disgruntled." The word in itself does not imply a negative on your part. It simply means that you are dissatisfied. I pass no judgement upon you or your pastor, since I don't truly know the situation; only the portion that you have reported.

    I will say that the sarcasm at the end of your posts betrays the warm salutations given at the beginning of your posts.

    In any case, I'll back out of this internet-based "conversation."
  20. Xingyi Warrior

    Xingyi Warrior New Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    If you are in a situation where you have no respect for that pastor then you just need to find a different church. If you feel the need to keep some ties to that church because of fellowship with some of its members then you should just accept the situation and not complain as it is your decision. I have been in many different churches over the years, mostly because my parents were in education and we moved alot. I was in one church where the pastor was a complete jerk and I simply left. I did have friends there and we remained friends but my friends understood that I was not coming back to church because of the bad blood between the pastor and myself. Most pastors I have known have been very good people who put the Lords work before their own needs.