I have a question for all the pastors who post on these boards on a regular basis (daily/weekly). How do you find time to post here and be a pastor to your people?
while i am a pastor I am not a "sr pastor." I hope that adds a necessary qualification to my post.
Perhaps two major reasons exist how I have the time. One I believe my interaction with various Christians on these boards is essential to my personal growth. I love conversation so I make time for it, though admittedly it doesn't take my much tome to post as I do here. My second reason is that I serve with. Large staff in a large church context. This means I don't have to do everything for the church. I find time to read, study, and complete my pastoral obligations by coordinating with other staff. I stay busy, but not so busy primarily because of shared duties.
One of my "tricks" is that I post using, primarily, my iPhone. I check the msg boards through having various browser windows available. I can simply check a board, I have become pretty adept at speed reading from my PhD days, and I engage only threads that seem to interest me. I can do most of my replying in short five minute segments in the morning, afternoon, and evening. It really doesn't take up that much time. As I travel around, which isn't as frequent as it once was, I spend lots of time waiting for the next plane. This is good time for posting and reading here and in other online communities. I value that time.
While I've been working on this reply I had to pause to reply to an email, its just multitasking and I've gotten pretty good at it. I stay super connected and will be on some kind of electronic device nearly all day. Its not a bad thing for me, its how I get stuff done. Usually Fridays and Saturdays are a bit less electronic than other days.
Martin said:
My pastor does not have time to post on discussion boards. Between family, studying, preaching, teaching, and visitation, he goes everyday. Other pastors I know are the same way. I'm not saying that such a heavy schedule is a good, but I just can't help wondering why some pastors have so much time on their hands (no offense).
As a pastor and one who knows other senior pastors of varying sized churches, we all make time for what is important to us. I can conduct all of my duties and take care of my flock while still engaging in a number of conversations electronically or personally. There is an abundance of time in the day for all of this, it is just how we manage it. When I am studying for a teaching time, or working on a new book, or whatever I can use this kind of a place as a relaxer and way to see how people reply to ideas.
I'd be willing to bet that if we examined everyone's days we could all find time to do many other things if we validated them. Including me. I know for senior pastors lots of this comes down to delegation and what is important to them. For me I never stop thinking about Sunday, I am focused and always refining. There are important times and there are not so important times in my year. Its all in what we validate.