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I make it a point to NOT do it. Marriage is supposed to be a covenant between a husband, wife and Jesus Christ. I can't preside over it if Jesus is NOT the foundation.
I don't even do marriages for divorced people whose ex-spouses are still alive because I don't know that God allows me to.
Disagree on both points.
Ann gave a good counter point to your first statement - as far as between a man and a woman. A marrage is much better when the Lord is included. Are you then saying a couple are living in sin if they marry and are not saved?
As far as divorce - suppose a Christian couple wanted you to marry them - and both of their former spouses had remarried?
Lets take this a step further. Suppose a married couple (both previously married) wanted to join your church. Would you reccomend they divorce and re-marry their orginal spouse?
The lost can go to the justice of the peace as far as i'm concerned. Why would the lost want to be married by a preacher anyway.
Disagree on both points.
Ann gave a good counter point to your first statement - as far as between a man and a woman. A marrage is much better when the Lord is included. Are you then saying a couple are living in sin if they marry and are not saved?
The lost can go to the justice of the peace as far as i'm concerned. Why would the lost want to be married by a preacher anyway.
Our county has no Justice of the Peace so the Immigration Department and County Clerk's office call on me.
I always do premarital counseling. I will marry two Christians. I will marry two unregenerate. I will not marry "mixed" couples. I will marry people of the same race (both humans, the only race) no matter ethnicity. I will marry in cases where there is divorce or pre-martial cohabiting.
I always do a religious-based ceremony, with the Gospel and with prayer. There are judges available for totally secular marriages
But marriage is GOOD for society. It helps people "do right" and I am happy to assist them in correct choices (rather than shacking up). I do not give false assurance that because a person has a religious (vs a civil) ceremony that it is any guarantee of a successful marriage.
I also have served on the board of the food bank, help at the rescue mission, support the crisis pregnancy centers, etc. All of which are GOOD for society, even though not all the people or all the workers are Christian or evangelical.
I count this as an almsdeed for my fellow man (and woman)![]()
John 4:16-18
Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come here."
The woman answered him, "I have no husband."
Jesus said to her, "You are right in saying, 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true."
She was presently unmarried (shacking up). She had been married five times. Would anyone say she was "regenerate"? No.
But she was "married". Marriage is not just a spiritual commitment, but an action of society.
While it is up to the conscience of an ordained elder if he would desire to perform a non-Christian wedding for the sake of society, I have no issue with it.