I’m sorry to say that I’m ashamed of many in the Republican party turning the stay at home initiative meant to save lives into a political bandwagon issue to devalue the social separating that will unquestionably buy us the time to save many lives. I dread the thought that the same party known to fight over the values for the lives of the unborn may also be known for their willingness to sacrifice our old and sick rather than sacrifice some of what’s in their wallets. I hate the thought that the Republican party might be known for their poor arguments that lead to denial of the seriousness of COVID-19 and their alligator tears over that people will commit suicide if Mamma’s pocketbook is affected. This is not to say that the Democrats wouldn’t egg us on over these political narratives and threaten our liberty just to manipulate some Republicans to keep us on this destructive path. Why wouldn’t they take advantage of it? They can make the Republicans look like heartless fools which I’m ashamed to say seems to have some truth to it during this trying time, people aren’t dumb and see through the fake news no matter which side it comes from. And God forbid that we end up in an uncontrollable resurgence of COVID-19 because not only will many die but the Democrats will put the death toll squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans who would not abide by the measures that our top experts have said is a necessary precaution. The sad part is that this kind of behavior actually helps make the case for the Democrats that we need more government rule to be safe as a society. That said, I don't bow to these punk threats from Democrats to take my liberty, not happening, no fear!
I’m a red blooded Republican through and through and a very active defender of President Trump, who I think is doing a good job leading us through this, but I am not one to let hyper political activism impair my thinking enough to make me forgo the value of lives or that I have to choose a side based on what I would call a false dilemma fallacy that we must fully open up the economy or we will lose our liberty and our economy will be irreversibly damaged. Some of the behavior I see from Republicans, granted – the behavior I see mostly on message boards and social media sites, is doing damage to the political party that I love. On a positive note, I don’t see as much of this from people I know or in face to face discussions, but I do I see a potentially very destructive trend to disregard lifesaving precautions that is growing because of what is said on these venues.
Although, I am a member of the Republican party I guess when my mother asked me if my friend jumped off a cliff if I would too it must have taught me not to be a follower of those doing foolish things regardless of peer pressure from those I would generally consider my friends.
Now speaking of cliffs, here I am thinking about the insult from Democrats who insinuate that the Republicans that would push grandma off that cliff to hold on to their $$$ while being ashamed to witness some of those in the party I proudly belong to seeming perfectly willing to do that exact thing.
Thankfully, I do have a choice apart from the weak links in my political party and I believe our Republican President is using common sense and values lives greatly and will not to get wrapped up into being pushed into sacrificing many lives over the hyper political rhetoric coming from his and my own party. I just hope and pray that the Democrats never end up with the evidence that they need to demonstrate that the Republican party was the cause of many deaths because they valued their $$$ over the lives of the people of this country. I do not and will never put a monetary price on lives and am confident that we will overcome the financial hardship with our leader has the guts and morals to make his decisions based on the priority of life and not in fear based on having to make some temporary economical sacrifices to accomplish saving these lives.
I’m a red blooded Republican through and through and a very active defender of President Trump, who I think is doing a good job leading us through this, but I am not one to let hyper political activism impair my thinking enough to make me forgo the value of lives or that I have to choose a side based on what I would call a false dilemma fallacy that we must fully open up the economy or we will lose our liberty and our economy will be irreversibly damaged. Some of the behavior I see from Republicans, granted – the behavior I see mostly on message boards and social media sites, is doing damage to the political party that I love. On a positive note, I don’t see as much of this from people I know or in face to face discussions, but I do I see a potentially very destructive trend to disregard lifesaving precautions that is growing because of what is said on these venues.
Although, I am a member of the Republican party I guess when my mother asked me if my friend jumped off a cliff if I would too it must have taught me not to be a follower of those doing foolish things regardless of peer pressure from those I would generally consider my friends.
Now speaking of cliffs, here I am thinking about the insult from Democrats who insinuate that the Republicans that would push grandma off that cliff to hold on to their $$$ while being ashamed to witness some of those in the party I proudly belong to seeming perfectly willing to do that exact thing.
Thankfully, I do have a choice apart from the weak links in my political party and I believe our Republican President is using common sense and values lives greatly and will not to get wrapped up into being pushed into sacrificing many lives over the hyper political rhetoric coming from his and my own party. I just hope and pray that the Democrats never end up with the evidence that they need to demonstrate that the Republican party was the cause of many deaths because they valued their $$$ over the lives of the people of this country. I do not and will never put a monetary price on lives and am confident that we will overcome the financial hardship with our leader has the guts and morals to make his decisions based on the priority of life and not in fear based on having to make some temporary economical sacrifices to accomplish saving these lives.