They're asking us to present half-truths to students, as if they are stupid. Anyone who does this should not be in the classroom.
Lower paying jobs are often lower paid because it is under the table. This is illegal and while it may contribute to lower costs like the author says, it translates to horrid working conditions for those workers with no recourse for injuries or abuse on the job, and lower taxes paid on both the wages and the lower cost product.
I could go on and on trying to correct that mess, but anyone who cares can go figure it out. Which is pretty much my opinion on what students should be directed to do anyhow. Go look at the evidence and see what you find. They just need a little guidance on where to look - what laws, what programs, etc.. They're smart and don't need to be told what to think. They can figure it out. It's people like the author of that article who don't want to give them the opportunity to do so, for fear they will.