Predictions predictions predictions. The same guys that thought he'd never run, never do well in the primaries, never survive the Republican establishment, never be able to compete against Hillary, never never actually beat Hillary. Now, just 9 months in, we're making predictions he'll never build the wall.
I predict these predictions will continue....
.... and his opponents will continue to be disappointed.
Here is the list of things Trump was going to introduce into legislation and fight hard to get passed within the first 100 days of his administration. Please name the date whereby you will concede that these things are not going to get done.
Repeal/replace ObamaCare (Trump is now saying he will "fix it".)
Build the Wall
Personal tax cuts
Corporate tax reform
Immigration reform (no Amnesty)
Infrastructure rebuild ($1 trillion, revenue neutral)
School Choice and Education Opportunity Act (allow you to send kids to any school, ends Common Core.)
End Offshoring (tariffs on companies that relocate workers)
Affordable Childcare and Eldercare
Clean up Corruption in Washington