An hour since I posted this and no takers.
OK, I'll start.
The speech was a dark and ominous portrayal of America. The solution is to elect Trump. That will turn around our problems starting on January 20, 2017.
Crime and violence is running rampant. Illegal immigrants are flooding across our borders and are committing crimes like murder. We're being humiliated overseas. "Men, women and children are being viciously mowed down, families ripped apart, and lives ruined."
The economic system is rigged in favor of the elites (of which Trump is a member, BTW.). The only solution to fixing the problem is to elect Donald Trump and he would "fix it fast, fix it now." He will "stand up for the neglected, ignored, and abandoned people. He will be their voice." It sounded like a speech Castro would make (and almost as long.)
The various trade deals we are engaged in are ripping the country apart, destroying jobs, hurting workers, and diminishing our freedom.*
(*one and only time the word freedom is used in the speech.)
We're one of the "highest taxed nations in the world" and if we enact his plan for the largest tax cut of any candidate, "new companies and new jobs will come roaring back into our country" and "trillions of dollars will start flowing back into our country enabling us to rebuild our bridges, roads, highways, railways, and our 'third world airports'." (It's economic magic, don't ask how it would work.)
He's gonna build the wall on the border (no mention of Mexico paying for it this time though, hmm...) Renegotiate the trade deals (no mention of why the other countries would want to sit down and negotiate new deals) He's even going to protect LGBTQ against terrorism. (Yes, he included protecting Queers in his speech, whatever they are, to thunderous applause...) You get the idea.
The speech was the longest in the modern era of presidential acceptance speeches. It portrayed a dark and decrepit country in decline. There was no talk of entrepreneurial spirit, no talk of unity, no talk of 'together we can do it'. Nothing about the greatness of America. The closest we got was: "America is a nation of believers, dreamers, and strivers that is being led by a group of censors, critics, and cynics."
The speech was filled with factual inaccuracies, there's already been several articles written about fact-checking his speech. Seek them out if you want the details.
Trump hit most of his campaign themes, "We don't win anymore, we're going to win again", "I'm going to build a wall", "I'm going to treat our vets better than they've ever been treated", etc.
Number of times the word liberty was used: 0
Number of times the word freedom was used: 1
Number of times the word "I" was used: 82
As usual with Trump there was scant details of the
how any of this would work, just that he would do it, and do it NOW!"
However, the worst part of the speech, and it ran the entire length of it, was the delivery by Trump. From the beginning to end, it was one monotone shout. I mean he's yelling into the microphone. He's angry. Not one crack of humor, one ray of sunshine. I didn't see him smile once. The pacing was the same, just plod along yelling at the audience. No inflection, no change in cadence, no variation in voice volume. Preachers on BB know the importance of changing your delivery to keep audience interest. I can't believe his people, which he assures us he is "surrounded by the best in the world" didn't coach him on how to give a speech.
And the length. Like the Everyready bunny, it just kept going and going and going. Kind of like this post, LOL.
Advance transcript of the speech here: