This is good.
United Is Why People Hate Capitalism
Capitalism is unpopular for four reasons: banks, health-insurance companies, cable providers, and airlines.
These all have something in common.
Airlines are in the wringer this week, with United shaming itself in spectacular fashion: Having overbooked a flight and seated the passengers, the company found itself needing four seats—not for paying customers but for airline employees who needed to be moved to another airport. When they did not find any takers for their paltry travel-voucher offers, they simply dispatched armed men to the airplane to force paying customers off, in a now-famous case, literally dragging one of them away.
United Is Why People Hate Capitalism
United Is Why People Hate Capitalism
Capitalism is unpopular for four reasons: banks, health-insurance companies, cable providers, and airlines.
These all have something in common.
Airlines are in the wringer this week, with United shaming itself in spectacular fashion: Having overbooked a flight and seated the passengers, the company found itself needing four seats—not for paying customers but for airline employees who needed to be moved to another airport. When they did not find any takers for their paltry travel-voucher offers, they simply dispatched armed men to the airplane to force paying customers off, in a now-famous case, literally dragging one of them away.
United Is Why People Hate Capitalism