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Unwanted emails


New Member
For the past several weeks I have been getting some really obscene emails. I can block them one at a time but this takes a lot of time and it seems if I block one then 4 more will pop up. I have IE. Is there an easy why to stop this? Thank you Mk
stop opening emails?

Actually, there is a program called Mailwasher that does a good job. It bounces the selected emails back to the sender so they think the address they sent to was bogus.

the bad emails dwindle to almost nothing


Active Member
In my email system, I can divide my inbox two ways--from people in my address book and all others--which is junk mail.

I sort my junk mail and don't open at least 60 percent unless I recognize what they want.


New Member
Once you start getting spam, there's no real easy way to make it stop. The best way to avoid spam is to avoid giving out your email address. A really good idea is to use email forwarders:

real@email.com <-- your real email address (don't give it out to anyone except trusted friends and family)

notreal@forwarder.com <-- a forwarder that forwards emails to real@email.com (give this out when you register at web sites, give it out to businesses, etc...)

When notreal@forwarder.com gets leaked out to spammers, all you have to do is change your forwarder to something else... and spam goes away. :)


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I've noticed over the years that spam has its ups and downs. I will get 100 plus for a few weeks, then dribble off to just a few for a few months then pick up again for awhile etc.

I report a lot to the us government no spam site but they operate on the basis that if lots of people are reporting the same spammers they go after them, but if they are just getting a few reports then they don't bother.

I have to accept everything since I get emails from people I don't know from my website.

I crack up at the lack of smarts on the part of spammers. Lately I get spam with no message, or phishing emails with misspelled business names, or terrible grammar.

I got a phishing email that was sent from a college employee and the colllege automatically attached a message to the end of all emails and the spammer didn't know it. The spam was from an official IRS but at the bottom it mentioned that the email had been sent by an employee of the college :laugh: Of course I dropped the webmaster a note :thumbs:

I trust someone got :tonofbricks:


Active Member
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kubel said:
Once you start getting spam, there's no real easy way to make it stop.

Whew, how true it is! I signed up for some freebies on the web and they must've passed my email address to mega hundreds of places. :eek: Even though it comes in as junk mail, it still comes in.