In no shape, form, or fashion, are Mormons Christians. Christians believe Jesus Christ is Savior, Son of God, and God. They believe Jesus Christ is not a created Being, but here from eternity past.
Christians do no believe that Christ is a created being and brother of Lucifer, Gabriel, and Michael.
Christians believe that God the Father is One God.
Christians do not believe that God the Father self replicates Himself every few eons.
Christians believe they spend eternity with the Lord.
Christians do not believe that they will inhabit Jupiter, Mars, and Neptune.
Christians believe that Jesus came to earth and died once for our sins.
Christians do not believe Jesus Christ made side trips to South America.
Christians believe that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God.
Christians do not believe the Book of Mormon is more sacred than the Bible,or sacred at all.
Christians believe that the Holy Spirit Inspiried men to pen God's Word on paper.
Christians do not believe that the angel Maroni (Macaroni) wrote God's Word on a couple of golden leaves then handed them off to some divinity to bury them, never to be seen again.
Christians base a description of life in eternity on Holy Scripture.
Christians do not base a description of life in eternity on a SyFy movie.
The Author and Founder of the Chrisitan faith is Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, in Bethlehen, as foretold in the the Old Testement.
The Founder of the Christian faith was not a gun slinger, adulterer and drunk. The Founder of the Christian faith's mother was not a prostitute. While no one is perfect, neither were the major prophets of the Christian faith.
Christians believe that marriage is to one person for life.
Christians do not believe in collecting spouses like one does stamps.
Christians believe the New Testement church has always been preserved.
Christians do not believe the New Testement church was but back on trace in Illinois during the 1840's.
Christians believe in the unity of the Trinity.
Christians do not believe the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost act independently of each other and go about their busines without regard to the purose or will of the Lord.
One could go on and on. To get back to the op, I think the bottom line is that Utah has the fewest Christians per capita of any state in the nation. Utah is without a doubt on the bottom of the list. I would be surprised if there were 40% of those who claim to be Christian, more likely in the low 30's. That is something to ponder, Utah is behind Vermont and Massachusetts. z