This is from 2007, too old for this debate.
The better version is out now.
Too wonky a source cited here.
This is just another one of the scare tactics from those who do not believe our God is sovereign.
It's not a Chinese document so it must be the wrong virus.
Your truth is always legitimate while "my" truth gets to be edited.
(12) United States Patent
Rota et al.
US 7,220,852 B1
May 22, 2007
(10) Patent No.:
(45) Date of Patent:
(75) Inventors: Paul A. Rota, Decatur, GA (US);
Larry J. Anderson, Atlanta, GA (US);
William J. Bellini, Lilburn, GA (US);
Cara Carthel Burns, Avondale Estates,
GA (US); Raymond Campagnoli,
Decatur, GA (US); Qi Chen, Marietta,
GA (US); James A. Comer, Decatur,
GA (US); Shannon L. Emery, Lusaka
(ZM); Dean D. Erdman, Decatur, GA
(US); Cynthia S. Goldsmith, Lilburn,
GA (US); Charles D. Humphrey, Lilburn, GA (US); Joseph P. Icenogle,
Atlanta, GA (US); Thomas G. Ksiazek,
Lilburn, GA (US); Stephan S. Monroe,
Decatur, GA (US); William Allan Nix,
Bethlehem, GA (US); M. Steven
Oberste, Lilburn, GA (US); Teresa C.
T. Peret, Atlanta, GA (US); Pierre E.
Rollin, Lilburn, GA (US); Mark A.
Pallansch, Lilburn, GA (US); Anthony
Sanchez, Lilburn, GA (US); Suxiang
Tong, Alpharetta, GA (US); Sherif R.
Zaki, Atlanta, GA (US)
(73) Assignee: The United States of America as
represented by the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Human
Services, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Washington, DC (US)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(21) Appl. No.: 10/822,904
(22) Filed: Apr. 12, 2004
Related U.S. Application Data
(60) Provisional application No. 60/465,927, filed on Apr.
25, 2003.
(51) Int. Cl.
CI2N 15/50 (2006.01)
CI2N 7/00 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. ................................. 536/23.72:435/235.1
(58) Field of Classification Search ............. 536/23.72:
514/44; 435/235.1, 320.1
See application file for complete search history.
(56) References Cited
2005/0181357 A1* 8, 2005 Peiris et al. ................... 435.5
WO WO 2004/085.633
WO WO 2004/092360
* 10/2004
* 10/2004
GenBank Accession No. AY274119, “SARS Coronavirus Tor2.
complete genome,” version AY274119.1, Apr. 14, 2003.*
GenBank Accession No. AY278487. “SARS coronavirus BJO2,
partial genome,” version AY278487.1, Apr. 21, 2003.*
Genbank Accession No. AY278554, “SARS coronavirus CUHK
W1, complete genome.” version AY278554.1, Apr. 18, 2003.*
GenBank Accession No. AY278491, “SARS Coronavirus HKU
39849, complete genome,” version AY278491.1, Apr. 18, 2003.*
SARS-associated Coronavirus. Genomic Sequence Availability.
online retreived on Aug. 8, 2005). Retreived from the Internet
GenBank Accession No. AY274119, Apr. 14, 2003.
GenBank Accession No. AY278741, Apr. 21, 2003.
“Update: Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome Worldwide, 2003.” MMWR Weekly 52:241-248 (2003).
Emery et al., “Real-Time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain
Reaction Assay for SARS-Associated Coronavirus.” Emerg. Infect.
Diseases 10:311-316 (2004).
Goldsmith et al., “Ultrastructural Characterization of SARS
Coronavirus,” Emerg. Infect. Diseases 10:320-326 (2004).
Ksiazek et al., “A Novel Coronavirus Associated with Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome.” N. Eng. J. Med. 348: 1953-1966 (2003).
Luo and Luo, “Initial SARS Coronavirus Genome Sequence Analy sis. Using a Bioinformatics Platform.” 2"Asia-Pacific Bioinformat
ics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand (2004).
Marra et al., “The Genome Sequence of the SARS-Associated
Coronavirus,” Science 300: 1393-1404 (2003).
Supplementary Online Material for Marra et al. <<www.
Rota et al., “Characterization of a Novel Coronavirus Associated
with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,” Science 300: 1394-1399
Supplementary Online Material for Rota et al. <<
www.sciencemag. org/cgi/content/full/1085952/DC1cc.
* cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Mary E. Mosher
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Klarduist Sparkman LLP
Disclosed herein is a newly isolated human coronavirus
(SARS-CoV), the causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Also provided are the nucleic acid
sequence of the SARS-CoV genome and the amino acid
sequences of the SARS-CoV open reading frames, as well as
methods of using these molecules to detect a SARS-CoV
and detect infections therewith. Immune stimulatory com
positions are also provided, along with methods of their use.
1 Claim, 7 Drawing Sheets