Baucham, who recently drew national attention when his sermon titled "Ethnic Gnosticism" resurfaced online, said the phrase has been trademarked by a dangerous, violent, Marxist movement that doesn't care about black lives except to use them as political pawns.
"We have to separate this movement from the issues," Baucham warned. "I know that [Black Lives Matter] is a phrase that is part of an organization. It is a trademark phrase. And it's a phrase designed to use black people
Voddie Baucham warns: 'Black Lives Matter' is a trademark phrase designed to DEHUMANIZE and USE black people
"We have to separate this movement from the issues," Baucham warned. "I know that [Black Lives Matter] is a phrase that is part of an organization. It is a trademark phrase. And it's a phrase designed to use black people
Voddie Baucham warns: 'Black Lives Matter' is a trademark phrase designed to DEHUMANIZE and USE black people