I would say that not everyone knows that John was the first Baptist.
John was an immerser and was called that because of the immersion he called all to obey in repentance for the remission of sins.
So He did not teach faith alone.
So is John the baptist the founder of the Baptist churches?
I was under the impression that Jesus was the founder of His church, so if John was the first baptist was he a Christian? Are baptist then of John's church or Christ's church?
Everyone knows that John was the first Baptist. And he came commanding all to repent, and then to be baptized. Of course the repentance had to be based on faith, faith alone. Us Baptists, we date right back to John. If anyone has a heritage here that is Biblical it is the Baptists.
I would say that not everyone knows that John was the first Baptist.
John was an immerser and was called that because of the immersion he called all to obey in repentance for the remission of sins.
So He did not teach faith alone.
So is John the baptist the founder of the Baptist churches?
I was under the impression that Jesus was the founder of His church, so if John was the first baptist was he a Christian? Are baptist then of John's church or Christ's church?