My first thought is that Christians have so many view points -and we are unwilling to compromise at all (the old "how can 2 walk together if we don't agree") The old "I will only do it my way"
Many years ago - (1988) I hosted a radio talk show - when the movie "The last Temptation of Christ" came out. One of my listeners, called up and wanted to know what could be done about this movie. Due to her question,the following week, our radio station hosted an information get-to-gether. About 300 people showed up. - From that meeting we decided to organize in order to have a united front. At the meeting, I mentioned, that is one time that Protestants and Catholics (Baptists too!) could work together on this. The next day, my boss gets a phone call from the catholic Bishop - he was complaining about what I had said. (actually, I don't remember what his complaint was all about) Well, anyways- we did decided we needed to do something. The following week, a Baptist pastor
came to me and said that he had a plan but no people - and that I (meaning me) had the people but no plan - and that we should work together. It ended up that we made a peaceful proclamation at the movie theater. (as opposed to a protest) Over 500 people showed up. The theater owner had heard about our plans - and thus hired xtra security. The other leaders and I went to the police officer on duty, and told him our plans - told him we were not a threat - and we would assist the LEO in any way we could. Though the theater was packed out- the owner ended up loosing money because of what he had to pay his security.
Now for the rest of the story - that pastor who wanted "MY" people to accomplish his plan - well in the past 30 years, he has been interviewed a number of times by Christian newspapers, ect - and he explains how he organized everything. Never once has he mentioned me-, our radio station, or how the group actually began.. Mind you - its not that I feel left out - but it is a matter of someone who takes full credit- that wasn't even there at the beginning. In fact, as I stated before I give credit to that young lady who called in that Sat night and asked what we were going to do.
So yes, Christians do want to work together - as long as each one can do it their way.