Yesterday, on Facebook, I saw the following from a man that I know attends church with his wife and now-graduated son.
He was in the store, he claimed, and was in the check-out line behind a young man who appeared to be gay or transgender and living as a woman. He took photos of the young man. He wore skinny jeans, tennis shoes, a woman's blouse, ponytail, and had his nails done.
He took one picture from the back and two from the side. He did not have the young person's permission. He bragged on that.
He claimed that he had this conversation:
"Christian" man: "Hey, do you identify as a guy or a girl?"
Young person: "A girl."'
"Christian" man: "Have you had your @@@@@ cut off yet?"
Yoiung person: "No, I'm keeping that."
He posted the pictures on Facebook, posted the conversation, and laughed and laughed. SCORES of people joined in the mockery with very nasty comments and jokes. I know some of those people laughing and some of them attend church.
Here's my burden. How can someone who claims to be a Christians behave this way towards another human being instead of being burdened for their immortal souls?
I would think a better conversation would have been about Jesus Christ or inviting him to church.
I see things like this all over social media from people who wear the "Christian" badge and boast of their own piety.
It makes me sick. It's on the BB, too. It's everywhere.
Why are Christians so full of hate and boast of that hate claiming their "Biblical" right to it?
He was in the store, he claimed, and was in the check-out line behind a young man who appeared to be gay or transgender and living as a woman. He took photos of the young man. He wore skinny jeans, tennis shoes, a woman's blouse, ponytail, and had his nails done.
He took one picture from the back and two from the side. He did not have the young person's permission. He bragged on that.
He claimed that he had this conversation:
"Christian" man: "Hey, do you identify as a guy or a girl?"
Young person: "A girl."'
"Christian" man: "Have you had your @@@@@ cut off yet?"
Yoiung person: "No, I'm keeping that."
He posted the pictures on Facebook, posted the conversation, and laughed and laughed. SCORES of people joined in the mockery with very nasty comments and jokes. I know some of those people laughing and some of them attend church.
Here's my burden. How can someone who claims to be a Christians behave this way towards another human being instead of being burdened for their immortal souls?
I would think a better conversation would have been about Jesus Christ or inviting him to church.
I see things like this all over social media from people who wear the "Christian" badge and boast of their own piety.
It makes me sick. It's on the BB, too. It's everywhere.
Why are Christians so full of hate and boast of that hate claiming their "Biblical" right to it?