When I married my wife, 36 years ago, I was coming off two very bad marriages. And I had been hurt, more deeply then I realized at the time. For sure, I was not looking for anything spiritually in this third marriage, mainly because I had lost any hope of a long term relationship, or EVER again returning to the ministry!
Yet God, somehow used this person to begin my spiritual healing, and He used her curiosity in my having been a pastor to ask the kind of questions that sent me prayerfully digging for answers to her own questions about who God was; what it took to be born again and why I left the ministry and what it was that I was running from when it came to women and God.
Truly He sicced the hound of heaven on me in the person of my wife, and it was through His wanting to restore my faith in Him, as well in the institution of a covenant relationship in marriage, that eventually saw my wife come to Jesus at a Teen Challenge concert. I took her to the concert, against my better judgement, only because she liked the artist, not realizing he was a born again believer. At the concert he shared Jesus, and had an altar call, and she went forward.
This woman became, over time, more than a friend, a spouse, or a helpmate; the truth is she grew into an awesome woman of God. She did something for me that the previous ladies never did, and that is SUPPORT me in the ministry, never complaining about poor pay, long hours, and you pastors know the rest that a good wife sacrifices when their husband leads a congregation.
So, tell me, what has your woman of God done to make you a better man of God?
Yet God, somehow used this person to begin my spiritual healing, and He used her curiosity in my having been a pastor to ask the kind of questions that sent me prayerfully digging for answers to her own questions about who God was; what it took to be born again and why I left the ministry and what it was that I was running from when it came to women and God.
Truly He sicced the hound of heaven on me in the person of my wife, and it was through His wanting to restore my faith in Him, as well in the institution of a covenant relationship in marriage, that eventually saw my wife come to Jesus at a Teen Challenge concert. I took her to the concert, against my better judgement, only because she liked the artist, not realizing he was a born again believer. At the concert he shared Jesus, and had an altar call, and she went forward.
This woman became, over time, more than a friend, a spouse, or a helpmate; the truth is she grew into an awesome woman of God. She did something for me that the previous ladies never did, and that is SUPPORT me in the ministry, never complaining about poor pay, long hours, and you pastors know the rest that a good wife sacrifices when their husband leads a congregation.
So, tell me, what has your woman of God done to make you a better man of God?