By now everyone has heard of operation "Fast and Furious".
Fast and Furious was an Obama program with a supposed goal of allowing the sale of over 2,000 firearms to gun runners to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican drug cartels. But no attept was made to track the guns. None of the targeted high-level cartel figures have been arrested and numberous innocent people have been harmed by these guns including the murder of an American law enforcement member.
Obama has refused to provide Congress with the information that they have requested and has envoked Executive Privilege after previously denying any knowledge of Fast annd Furious other than what "he heard on the news".
What is Obama hiding?
Why is he afraid for the facts to be made known?
Did Obama personally profit from the sale of guns?
Does Obama personally profit from the sale of drugs?
Is Obama receiving money from the drug cartels?
What is he hiding?
Fast and Furious was an Obama program with a supposed goal of allowing the sale of over 2,000 firearms to gun runners to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican drug cartels. But no attept was made to track the guns. None of the targeted high-level cartel figures have been arrested and numberous innocent people have been harmed by these guns including the murder of an American law enforcement member.
Obama has refused to provide Congress with the information that they have requested and has envoked Executive Privilege after previously denying any knowledge of Fast annd Furious other than what "he heard on the news".
What is Obama hiding?
Why is he afraid for the facts to be made known?
Did Obama personally profit from the sale of guns?
Does Obama personally profit from the sale of drugs?
Is Obama receiving money from the drug cartels?
What is he hiding?