Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi gave a rebuttal to President Trump's speech about border security. They said several times that they had a plan for border security that was cheaper, better, and more effective than building a wall.
So--what is this plan the Democrats have for border security?
I'm hoping some of our more liberal members here can enlighten me and give me the Democrats plan, in detail, for border security.
I'm also wondering why the MSM is not holding their feet to the fire and demanding the Democrats release this plan. You know, like they used to ask the Republicans about their plan to replace Obamacare...
Democrats supported the wall in 2006 when it was a fence
Democrats supported the wall in 2006 when it was a fence
Democrats haven't always had such a hard position on the border wall. Over the past decade, Democrats have supported billions of dollars in funding for physical barriers. In 2006, the Secure Fence Act passed with bipartisan support requiring the construction of physical barriers along 700 miles of the nearly 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border.
Sixty-four Democrats voted the measure in the House and
26 in the Senate.
The current Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer voted for it, so did Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama praised the bill in a floor speech saying it would "certainly do some good" and "help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country."
In 2013, all Senate Democrats and most House Democrats backed comprehensive immigration reform legislation, the so-called Gang of Eight
bill. It included $46 billion for border security and around $8 billion to repair or reinforce barriers along the 700 miles of the border as required under the Secure Fence Act.
The most obvious change since a bipartisan majority voted to fund physical barriers in 2006 and 2013 and even 2018, is the politics of border security.
When and if the Republicans look on this as a bi-partisan issue to be evaluated the democrats will work with them. As long as they insist on obeying Trump's latest tweet barking orders that are never rational, they will resist. The government stoppage is now the longest in U.S. history. When will this childish stunt end. It has already cost the economy more than the amount Trump was requiring ($5.7 B). What a farce.