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"WHAT MAN MEANT FOR EVIL, GOD MEANT FOR GOOD"…This and Romans, 8:28 come to mind. But like I’ve said before your eyes will ONLY be able to see this truth and apply this truth as one draws closer to Christ, the sad things is as you draw closer to God others will draw away from you. Even Jesus said, “He didn’t come to bring peace, but division”….WHY?...because I guess it is just the “LAW” of physics, the law of attraction. We want to be around those who are more like us, but the sad truth is most are not really trying to DRAW CLOSER TO GOD…I know I’ve been there, and it seems easier, but as I look back I realize it is not. The bible says and I can attest to this fact that…Matt 7…”Enter you in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”…….I am going to talk about this TRUTH, especially truth in my life.
See, this all came to a head today and God gave me insight that sealed what I am going through. Again going back to TRUTH…why am I being so ATTACKED unfairly and unjustly on so many realms? Why am I NOT really being supported, supported because I am not doing or saying anything wrong…but standing up for TRUTH!..How did this concept get so skewed? I mean it would be one thing if someone could actually show me what I said or did was wrong, but they can’t. Not only that let’s say I did do or say something wrong?...then your job is to say something, not attack, or avoid, and then gossip about me. I can point to a bible verse or more that would prove my point. Why is that the “NORM’…in this world it seems the “wide gate that leads to destruction,” wins….or “The Majority Rules?....or “Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”….how messed up is that? How ungodly is that? How can anything improve from that?..Those are some of my questions.
I am also reminded of this verse constantly. Eph 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”….this verse tied in with the one I just mentioned, “Watch out for wolves in sheep’s clothing”….so keeping these TRUTHS in my mind, I can look at an ATTACK or a DISSING OF ME…2 on facebook in one day, supposedly LEADERS???….why, because I speak the TRUTH and that is the NARROW way the bible says, so why am I surprised that there are so FEW who follow me when it comes to bible TRUTH?... or so few that I can find…God is showing me it is OK to be different…a TRUTH He instilled in me at a young age cause I had NO CHOICE and it’s never been my nature. So I am ok, with being who I am and make NO apologies for it. Everything I am is because of WHO God made me and ALL He has allowed me to go through…and He knew I would prevail, so He has allowed me to go through much…which makes me feel so privileged that He would choose such a vessel. He put me under SOUND leadership in a HEALTHY church…He gave me all the gifts and talents I have, He basically has done all the work as I YIELDED and SUBMIT to Him…that is TRUTH! …the bible does say that narrow is the way to truth and only a FEW find it. God has revealed to me, that since the world isn’t going that way, “here go, I send you”…but be prepared to face much resistance along the way, for the evil ones isn’t worried so much about those who are doing his bidding, even if it is sincere and under the guise of “good works”...He is seeking to devour the one doing the will of God.
As I am drawing closer to the 100 mark. I’m noticing a few things. One, I no longer have the same desires. Not saying I have arrived, but His desires are becoming mine and is what I have preached about…how we help people go about doing the right thing, no matter what sin they are in, be it in their mind, body or spirit, is what matters. I wasn’t able to draw closer to God (never have been able and maybe never will and I don’t think we are called to live in that state long) until the right people came along. I would have gotten worse or still be the same….ok, probably worse. Thing is it took those who held the same TRUTH about who I am in Christ and what God desires from His children, or just those who have sound character and integrity to get back on track. Thank you for you know who you are. It also took me realizing, that GOD really does LOVE ME and the fact that I am “DIFFERENT’ is what makes me more special.
It is because of you that I am able to with stand the fiery darts of the evil one. For automatically TRUTH is brought to mind, as to not react in the flesh. I can’t take it personal no matter how they try and make it…I am called to do what God tells me, not man. I actually see these people as God’s tools for “Iron to sharpen Iron’…for me to become “more like Christ”….”To know the truth that lies within me”….Not only that at the same time God is doing a major “WORK IN THEM”….So what if I’m not poplar, never have been ….(well maybe men…lol)…But then again no one is, no matter who they are, who stands up for right and wrong, for truth or just plain old do the right thing, we will be opposite of the norm. I guess it boils down to making choices and who you will follow? I choose to follow Christ and His ways and to those who follow Him also….if you want to tag along then you are more than welcome…if you treat me with plain old respect and decency you can come along too, if you have some character and integrity, come along as well, those who treat others the way they want to be treated, hop on board, those who accept me the way I am, flaws and all, who encourage me and edify me, sit next to me. Those who rightly call me out because they care about me and want to help me back on track with God and others, you’re in the driver’s seat.
Come on people this ride isn’t that hard nor is it that long. Anytime, you think to say or do something think “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?”….I’m not perfect at always applying it, but it is my motto…for by this all people will know you are my disciples…STARTS WITH CHRISTIANS!
See, this all came to a head today and God gave me insight that sealed what I am going through. Again going back to TRUTH…why am I being so ATTACKED unfairly and unjustly on so many realms? Why am I NOT really being supported, supported because I am not doing or saying anything wrong…but standing up for TRUTH!..How did this concept get so skewed? I mean it would be one thing if someone could actually show me what I said or did was wrong, but they can’t. Not only that let’s say I did do or say something wrong?...then your job is to say something, not attack, or avoid, and then gossip about me. I can point to a bible verse or more that would prove my point. Why is that the “NORM’…in this world it seems the “wide gate that leads to destruction,” wins….or “The Majority Rules?....or “Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”….how messed up is that? How ungodly is that? How can anything improve from that?..Those are some of my questions.
I am also reminded of this verse constantly. Eph 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”….this verse tied in with the one I just mentioned, “Watch out for wolves in sheep’s clothing”….so keeping these TRUTHS in my mind, I can look at an ATTACK or a DISSING OF ME…2 on facebook in one day, supposedly LEADERS???….why, because I speak the TRUTH and that is the NARROW way the bible says, so why am I surprised that there are so FEW who follow me when it comes to bible TRUTH?... or so few that I can find…God is showing me it is OK to be different…a TRUTH He instilled in me at a young age cause I had NO CHOICE and it’s never been my nature. So I am ok, with being who I am and make NO apologies for it. Everything I am is because of WHO God made me and ALL He has allowed me to go through…and He knew I would prevail, so He has allowed me to go through much…which makes me feel so privileged that He would choose such a vessel. He put me under SOUND leadership in a HEALTHY church…He gave me all the gifts and talents I have, He basically has done all the work as I YIELDED and SUBMIT to Him…that is TRUTH! …the bible does say that narrow is the way to truth and only a FEW find it. God has revealed to me, that since the world isn’t going that way, “here go, I send you”…but be prepared to face much resistance along the way, for the evil ones isn’t worried so much about those who are doing his bidding, even if it is sincere and under the guise of “good works”...He is seeking to devour the one doing the will of God.
As I am drawing closer to the 100 mark. I’m noticing a few things. One, I no longer have the same desires. Not saying I have arrived, but His desires are becoming mine and is what I have preached about…how we help people go about doing the right thing, no matter what sin they are in, be it in their mind, body or spirit, is what matters. I wasn’t able to draw closer to God (never have been able and maybe never will and I don’t think we are called to live in that state long) until the right people came along. I would have gotten worse or still be the same….ok, probably worse. Thing is it took those who held the same TRUTH about who I am in Christ and what God desires from His children, or just those who have sound character and integrity to get back on track. Thank you for you know who you are. It also took me realizing, that GOD really does LOVE ME and the fact that I am “DIFFERENT’ is what makes me more special.
It is because of you that I am able to with stand the fiery darts of the evil one. For automatically TRUTH is brought to mind, as to not react in the flesh. I can’t take it personal no matter how they try and make it…I am called to do what God tells me, not man. I actually see these people as God’s tools for “Iron to sharpen Iron’…for me to become “more like Christ”….”To know the truth that lies within me”….Not only that at the same time God is doing a major “WORK IN THEM”….So what if I’m not poplar, never have been ….(well maybe men…lol)…But then again no one is, no matter who they are, who stands up for right and wrong, for truth or just plain old do the right thing, we will be opposite of the norm. I guess it boils down to making choices and who you will follow? I choose to follow Christ and His ways and to those who follow Him also….if you want to tag along then you are more than welcome…if you treat me with plain old respect and decency you can come along too, if you have some character and integrity, come along as well, those who treat others the way they want to be treated, hop on board, those who accept me the way I am, flaws and all, who encourage me and edify me, sit next to me. Those who rightly call me out because they care about me and want to help me back on track with God and others, you’re in the driver’s seat.
Come on people this ride isn’t that hard nor is it that long. Anytime, you think to say or do something think “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?”….I’m not perfect at always applying it, but it is my motto…for by this all people will know you are my disciples…STARTS WITH CHRISTIANS!
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