Active Member
There are millions in our world who profess to a "christian" faith, that is based on "knowing about God", rather than actually "knowing God". There is a big difference here. The former is someone who has no real relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, even though they may believe that they are "saved" and going to heaven. They do not fully trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins, nor see any need to be "born-again" in the Bible sense, and be justified by faith alone, in Christ alone. The latter is someone who is truly born-again, and has a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, as Saviour, Lord and Friend.
The link below is a very worrying trend in our modern world, and many in the "church" are blindly following the leading of worldly men and ways, while rejecting the plain Teaching of the Word of Almighty God. May the Lord have Mercy!
Survey: 61 Percent of Practicing Christians Agree With Some 'New Spirituality' Beliefs
The link below is a very worrying trend in our modern world, and many in the "church" are blindly following the leading of worldly men and ways, while rejecting the plain Teaching of the Word of Almighty God. May the Lord have Mercy!
Survey: 61 Percent of Practicing Christians Agree With Some 'New Spirituality' Beliefs