Is it my error in thinking, but when did a curfew become a mere suggestion, with options to ignore? Is it any wonder that citizens do not obey laws any longer, when the Charlotte curfew is allowed to become a negiatable thing? It should be no surprise to any of us that citizens like Crutcher in Tulsa, decided to ignore repeated orders to stop and surrender to the cops, when an entire city of protesters can flip their finger to a curfew and continue to protest as long as it is "peaceful?"
Is it any wonder that our society has slipped into a state of civil anarchy? Laws no longer hold any weight. Have teeth. Or mean what they are originally meant to mean. The politics of law enforcement has permited the public to determine if THEY want to comply, anf how THEY want to interpret a certain law. Only when the laws on the books begin to have the bite they were written to take out of the person breakingcthem will we once again have respect for those hired and sworn to enforce them. The idea of rules of engagement have filtered down into civil laws, and by doing this, our laws are no longer worth the paper they are written on, because laws are now up to the interpretation of the law by mob rule and mob opinions and views.
How can we get America back to what she once was, if our laws are taking on wate and the boat is about to sink? What can we do to fix this lack of respect towards law and order? What needs to be done?
Is it my error in thinking, but when did a curfew become a mere suggestion, with options to ignore? Is it any wonder that citizens do not obey laws any longer, when the Charlotte curfew is allowed to become a negiatable thing? It should be no surprise to any of us that citizens like Crutcher in Tulsa, decided to ignore repeated orders to stop and surrender to the cops, when an entire city of protesters can flip their finger to a curfew and continue to protest as long as it is "peaceful?"
Is it any wonder that our society has slipped into a state of civil anarchy? Laws no longer hold any weight. Have teeth. Or mean what they are originally meant to mean. The politics of law enforcement has permited the public to determine if THEY want to comply, anf how THEY want to interpret a certain law. Only when the laws on the books begin to have the bite they were written to take out of the person breakingcthem will we once again have respect for those hired and sworn to enforce them. The idea of rules of engagement have filtered down into civil laws, and by doing this, our laws are no longer worth the paper they are written on, because laws are now up to the interpretation of the law by mob rule and mob opinions and views.
How can we get America back to what she once was, if our laws are taking on wate and the boat is about to sink? What can we do to fix this lack of respect towards law and order? What needs to be done?