Hi to all , and I see that we will again debate , where did freewill began .
To me , there are 2 groups that HAD Freewill .
#1 , And the first created beings , were Angels , before there was sin in the Universe .
#2 , Then Ezek 28:15 , sin was found in Lucifer and of course Isa 14:9-17 , and Lucifer and CHOSE , AND SIN began .
#3 , Then 1/3 of angels also tried to leave and Jude 6 , reveals where they are now .
#4 , And they only other 2 , that HAD Freewill were Adam and Eve , and sin entered the human race .
You all have to make up your mind .
In I Cor 2:14 , But the Natural man receiveth NOT THE THINGS of God and there is NONE that seeketh after God .
Then in Eph 2:1 , syas that man is DEAD in Trespasses and Sins , so how can a dead man respond .
I believe that one answer is those saved are the elect , from the foundation of the world , Eph 1:4 and also Eph 2:8 , what say you ??
To me , there are 2 groups that HAD Freewill .
#1 , And the first created beings , were Angels , before there was sin in the Universe .
#2 , Then Ezek 28:15 , sin was found in Lucifer and of course Isa 14:9-17 , and Lucifer and CHOSE , AND SIN began .
#3 , Then 1/3 of angels also tried to leave and Jude 6 , reveals where they are now .
#4 , And they only other 2 , that HAD Freewill were Adam and Eve , and sin entered the human race .
You all have to make up your mind .
In I Cor 2:14 , But the Natural man receiveth NOT THE THINGS of God and there is NONE that seeketh after God .
Then in Eph 2:1 , syas that man is DEAD in Trespasses and Sins , so how can a dead man respond .
I believe that one answer is those saved are the elect , from the foundation of the world , Eph 1:4 and also Eph 2:8 , what say you ??